On the eternal and such a difficult question "What does a woman want", who just did not try to answer. The world was conquered, books were written, films were made. No matter what the gentlemen went to, trying to win the heart of their beloved. Men, if their women are truly dear to them, are simply obliged to please them in all possible ways, not only on March 8 and Valentine's Day, but as often as possible.

Step 1
Arrange a romantic trip for your loved one. If your finances do not allow you to buy a tour to some uninhabited island or to Paris, then you can easily find places for solitude in Russia. Don't wait for a vacation, go to, say, the mountains on weekends. This will be a great gift for those who love adventure and extreme recreation.

Step 2
Organize a free shopping trip. This is possible if you purchase a gift certificate for your beloved. It is not worth reminding that the fair sex is not indifferent to shopping. With such a surprise, you will give your lady a choice.

Step 3
Treat your loved one with a visit to the spa. Each girl looks after her appearance, loves different wellness procedures. Such a surprise will be pleasant and unexpected.

Step 4
Pay for tuition. Perhaps your girlfriend dreamed of learning a foreign language or graduating from a make-up artist's courses, give her this opportunity. Taking all the training costs on yourself.

Step 5
Please the woman in bed. Many girls are embarrassed to talk about their desires and private fantasies. Try to demonstrate some of the love tricks and ask what she thinks of them. Then, for sure, the beloved will express her preferences.

Step 6
Speak affectionate words and compliments to your girlfriend more often. Let it sound sincere and tender. Read some love stories to her that show your feelings.

Step 7
Set an interesting status. If you and your chosen one are confident Internet users, then the status with a declaration of love will delight the girl!