Small children are constantly pulling small objects into their mouths. Therefore, it is not uncommon for them to choke. If this happens, stay calm and call an ambulance immediately. In the meantime, try to help the baby on your own, but act very quickly.

First, ask the baby to cough properly. Perhaps, in this case, what he choked on will come out. If the baby clears his throat, but it does not help, take decisive action. A foreign body stuck in his airway must be urgently removed. Place a small child on your hand, face down. His head should be lower than his torso. With your other hand, the base of your palm, slap the baby between the shoulder blades hard several times in a row. Check for foreign matter coming out of the respiratory tract. If it starts to move, try to get it out of the throat with your fingers. But be very careful not to push in! If all else fails, try flipping the baby onto its back and placing two fingers on its chest. Press quickly and firmly on the sternum, pushing it 1-2 centimeters inward and immediately allowing it to straighten. Do not remove your fingers after each press. At this time, let the relatives call the ambulance again and make sure that the team left on call. In the meantime, you are alternately patting the victim on the back and pressing on his chest. If the baby has lost consciousness, give him artificial respiration mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions. Do not artificially breathe if the baby is breathing on his own, in no case. To keep the airway open, the victim's chin must be held upright. The baby can blow air into the nose and mouth at the same time. If the child is very small, do not blow in too much air: his lungs may not withstand such a volume. Allow air to escape by lifting your lips from your baby's lips after blowing in. To avoid putting your baby at risk of choking, try not to give small items, nuts, seeds, and candy to your baby. Supervise your baby constantly.