How wonderful it was when it snowed outside and everything around became white and fabulously beautiful. In such weather, you just want to go for a walk with your child and show him all this beauty. It is a pity that our winters do not please with a fabulous picture every day, the weather can be capricious and sometimes unpredictable, but you need to temper the child and take him outside every day, and you also need to take the child to the garden in the winter. And it is better to think over all the nuances in advance so as not to catch a cold later.

Step 1
First of all, think over the clothes of the child, let it be warm from natural materials and in size. For active games, use ski suits for children or overalls. In extreme cold, wear thermal underwear or more layers of clothing. Remember to wear mittens, balls, and a hat at home to keep warm closer to your body. And bring extra mittens or gloves with you.
Step 2
Before a walk, explain to your child all the possible dangers, and that if he is not careful, he can get injured. Tell them where you will go, let the child know the route you are going to take, how long you plan to walk and when to get home. Tell him that you can return earlier or, on the contrary, stay late if the weather is certain. The child should know in advance that there may be different scenarios for a walk, then he will not be capricious.
Step 3
Tell us how you should behave during winter fun, how to skate or slide, what safety rules should be followed. Tell us that you cannot throw snowballs in your face and head, what dangers it can pose.
Step 4
Prohibit dangerous games such as tunnel building while walking. Such a tunnel could collapse. Or jumping into a snowdrift. The child can get stuck, lose shoes, or even suffocate.
Step 5
Tell your child not to lick metal objects as this can end badly. Also warn you not to take off your hat and scarf outside. And be sure to pack yourself. Make sure you have your phone, napkins and handkerchiefs with you, you can also keep disinfecting wipes and a pencil of iodine or brilliant green in your bag for minor scratches. A small thermos with warm tea or compote will not hurt if you go for a walk far and for a long time.