Rules For Safe Rest Of The Child Abroad

Rules For Safe Rest Of The Child Abroad
Rules For Safe Rest Of The Child Abroad

Have you decided to spend your vacation abroad with your child? An excellent solution, but do not forget that an unfamiliar country is not only a source of interesting impressions and positive emotions, but also stress for the child's body. What can you face in a foreign land and how to protect your child from possible troubles?

Rules for safe rest of the child abroad
Rules for safe rest of the child abroad
  • Before going on a trip, study the map of the world. Children's doctors say that choosing the right place to rest with a child is half the success. You should not travel with children to epidemically unfavorable countries with a tropical climate such as India, Madagascar or Bali, there is a high risk of contracting malaria or intestinal infections.
  • Extreme recreation is not for children. Give up the idea of hiking in the mountains or kayaking. Numerous excursions and attractions will also not have the best effect on the health of the child; heavy physical exertion should be avoided.
  • By their nature, children are emotional and inquisitive, they want to see everything, to be in time everywhere. Be able to plan and organize your child's day so that emotional stress does not become excessive. Otherwise, instead of resting, the body will get stress.
  • It often happens that a child overwhelmed with new impressions does not want to sleep, however, it is important to observe the regime. Make sure there are no activities at least two hours before bed. This time should be spent in a calm atmosphere. Read a book together not overnight, make tea with soothing herbs. The child needs to recuperate, otherwise problems with immunity and acclimatization may arise.
  • In order not to disrupt the child's digestive process due to unusual food, prepare a familiar dish for him at least once a day. This will create a homely atmosphere and greatly accelerate adaptation.
  • In a foreign country, it can sometimes be difficult to find the necessary medicine, so stock up on the necessary medicines in advance. Be sure to bring at least 30 SPF sunscreen with you. For prolonged exposure to the sun, apply it to your child's skin at least once every 2 hours. Do not forget about the hat, which should be made of natural breathable fabric of light color.
