More and more bright and attractive packages with baby cosmetics appear on store shelves. How to choose and use baby cosmetics correctly, we will tell you in our article.

When choosing baby cosmetics, carefully study the packaging. First of all, the label of certified cosmetics should indicate what age children it is suitable for. Usually, cosmetics for children are produced in the following age groups:
From zero to one year (0+), From one to three years (1+), · From three to seven years (3+).
Also, a tube of cream or other product must contain information in Russian. If it is not there, it is better to refuse the purchase. A benign responsible manufacturer has nothing to hide!
You shouldn't buy cheap cosmetics that are sold over the Internet. It can cause irreparable harm to children's health.
Sometimes the use of low-quality children's cosmetics leads to the development of chronic diseases for the rest of their lives:
Consequences in the form of allergic rashes (itching, peeling, etc.), · Skin infection (cosmetics must be strictly tested for bacteriological safety).
Examining the packaging, you can find chemical components with complex names in the composition of baby cream, soap or shampoo. Do not be afraid of them. Also, do not look for products with a large amount of natural ingredients. Some natural remedies, such as herbal extracts or biologically active substances, are less digestible for children than pure synthetic substances.
Even decorative cosmetics are produced for girls 5+ years old. Pediatricians are skeptical about its use and give this advice: before using such cosmetics, apply a layer of protective or other baby cream to the skin.
If a protective layer of a cream is applied, which has a filmy character, then the decorative cosmetics that are applied over this cream will have less irritating effect on the child's skin.
Finally, let's say about the children's face painting, which is so popular today, which is used on many holidays. Face painting can be used no more than once a month: it is necessary to give the baby's skin time to recover.