How To Get Your Child Interested In Learning Letters

How To Get Your Child Interested In Learning Letters
How To Get Your Child Interested In Learning Letters

As you know, a child can learn to be able to read literally from the cradle (namely, up to a year). And the sooner you start learning, the less labor and time will be required, and the learning process itself will bring great joy to all its participants. However, most moms continue to doubt themselves or their baby.

How to get your child interested in learning letters
How to get your child interested in learning letters

Learning as a game

There are many effective methods for teaching a child to read. But the most important thing that unites them all is that learning should take place during the game. You can immediately part with the edifying tone, the mask of a school teacher and the fear that you will not succeed. Remember, all children are equally brilliant, you just need to help them reveal their abilities on time. And it's best to do it in a casual and fun way with your child.

How to play

So, if you have set yourself the goal not to adhere to any particular method of teaching reading, but simply to master the alphabet to begin with, then an endless field for activity opens up before you. First, it is worth purchasing a set of plastic letters and an ABC book. The latter should have as few distracting pictures as possible, and the letters themselves should be clearly traced.

There are a thousand ways to play with plastic letters. It's great if your child's favorite toy or a specially purchased (sewn) mitten toy helps you with this. She can hide two or three letters under pillows (handkerchiefs, pieces of paper), and then look for and find them, naming them and expressing stormy joy. It is not worth standing still, even if you are not sure that the child has already memorized all the letters. A set of two or three letters can be changed every day by removing one and adding a new one in its place. This same toy can be used with the ABC book with a child, with delight recognizing on two or three spreads the same letters that you went through today or recently. It is worth taking advantage of the fact that all children love to play tricks, so if the toy does things that make your child laugh, you can be sure of the success of the training. The main thing is that the letters themselves do not fade into the background and are always in sight and hearing of the child.

It is worth doing a little. You need to switch to another game until the moment the child becomes bored. Otherwise, the next day, he may simply refuse to study. Another important rule in teaching is the schedule. Even if you do not have the opportunity to practice at a certain time, set aside for training a period immediately after breakfast or before lunchtime. However, the child should be in a good mood before classes, so the baby should not be sleepy yet. It is not worth practicing when the child is sick or shows a clear reluctance to play at this moment. Postpone the game for a couple of days, wait for a good mood and feel free to start.

It is very important when learning letters that they surround the child everywhere. So, passing the store, pay his attention to the sign, especially to the familiar letters. The same applies to the spines of books, car numbers, price tags in stores, inscriptions in the clinic, etc. It will be very useful to decorate the children's room with cards with large letters or stick special stickers on children's furniture. Just avoid hanging the entire alphabet at once, limit yourself to 5-10 letters. You can also start each morning by drawing a new letter on your easel or sketchbook that you plan to add today. Or put an envelope or bag with a new letter under the child's pillow.

How to check

It is strictly forbidden to check the baby after each lesson. Even the smallest children hate tests, especially if they sense your annoyance or annoyance in the process. But if you have been studying for two weeks and just can't wait to understand that all the lessons are not in vain, check the same way during the game. For example, having laid out two or three letters in front of a child, you or a toy can compete with the toddler who will be the first to grab the named letter. At the same time, even if the child is mistaken, you need to correct him carelessly and, having shown the correct option, continue the game. If the baby is older than two years, the toy may also be deliberately mistaken as a test, perhaps another one. Pointing to one letter, she will name another. It is important that both are familiar to the child, then the baby will definitely want to correct his friend.
