Many parents want to know the future hair color long before the baby is born. In theory, this is possible if you know some of the laws of genetics. And you don't even need to take any tests.

Step 1
The genes of both parents are involved in the formation of the hair color of the unborn child. Note that any genes, including those responsible for hair pigmentation, can be either dominant or recessive. In other words, strong or weak. In the process of the birth of a future person, strong dominant genes block the action of weak recessive ones and are passed on to the future generation. That is, if the father's hair color gene is dominant, then the son or daughter will inherit it.
Step 2
If both parents have dominant or recessive genes, then the "result" of their "struggle" will be unpredictable. The genes of grandparents can interfere, influencing the outcome. In this case, the hair color of the future baby can be determined only with a certain degree of probability.
Step 3
You can independently determine the factor of dominance or recessiveness of your genes by the following features. If you have brown or green eyes, a normal clotting factor, or a tendency to baldness (in men), the genes are dominant. Recessive genes are characterized by straight hair, lack of skin pigmentation, and Rh negative blood.
Step 4
Remember that genetics is not mathematics. She does not give exact answers to questions of heredity, but only determines the most probable possibilities. But in the process of gene transfer, the genes of relatives of several generations can be included. As a result, quite unexpectedly, a red-haired child is born in the family, who inherited the hair color from some distant relative. This happens especially often at the birth of the first child.
Step 5
Also, do not forget that during the first 5 years of a newborn's life, hair color can change more than once. They usually change in the first or second years of life and are finally formed by the age of 5 years. But during puberty, due to changes in the amount of testosterone in the teenager's body, hair color can change again.