Different colors constantly surround a person. In the office, in a cafe, at home, on the street - everywhere you can see a variety of colors. Each color has a psychological effect on a person. For example, some shades in the image make you stand out in society, while others, on the contrary, help to blend in with the crowd.

Each color can be viewed from two perspectives. The first is an internal impact on a person, on his mood, character, emotions. The second position is the impression that a person makes on others.
Calm colors
White expresses innocence and modesty. It is not for nothing that brides at a wedding often prefer to dress in a white dress and a veil. Lovers of this color are pure in spirit, they attract others with their kindness and disposition. The white color of everyday clothing is also associated with the fact that its wearer holds a high position and does not need to do dirty work.
Gray speaks of impartiality and dignity. A man dressed in a gray outfit inspires confidence in people. This is why sales managers often wear gray clothes in their offices.
In many trade companies, the wrapping paper is gray. This gives the buyer a subconscious feeling that he has purchased a high quality product.
Black leads to depression and dark thoughts. If a person often walks in black clothes, without diluting it with other colors, he is not confident in himself, tries to hide from the views of others.
Brown evokes a feeling of comfort, warmth and coziness. People, dressed in this color, are considered by those around them to be sincere, efficient, reliable.
It is in brown clothing that psychologists recommend going to an interview in order to get a job.
Bright colors
Ambitious, emotional, passionate natures love red. It is also called the color of depravity. If a person appears in your environment who often dresses in red, be careful. Perhaps he has a hot temper. Pay special attention to the purple hue. Previously, only kings and generals wore it. Lovers of purple nature are domineering, sometimes even despotic.
Orange is preferred by romantics. Usually such people are melancholic and do not like to fight, defend their opinions. Even in the case of falling in love, they try not to be the first to approach the person of interest. Such people prefer to go with the flow. In family relationships, they often idealize their partner.
Yellow means fickleness, ease and lightness. Lovers of this shade often flit from partner to partner. It is very difficult for one person to keep them.
Green color evokes a feeling of peace and tranquility. This is the color of hope, rebirth. A person who prefers green outfits is always full of ideas. Lovers of this color are constantly on the move, they love to unite people to implement their ideas.
Blue and light blue are associated with sublimity and spirituality. A person dressed in blue or blue inspires respect and trust. Therefore, politicians try to dress in these shades at their speeches.