The situation with kindergartens in our country is so critical that it obliges you to put your child on the waiting list almost the next day after birth. However, as soon as the time comes to give their child to the garden, the parents start having problems with the competent authorities.

Time to conquer the big world
It seems that just recently the baby was born, learned to walk, talk, dress independently. And now it's time to send him to kindergarten, because he was 2, 5-3 years old. Of course, by this moment the young mother was already very yearned for work, she wants to return to her life, to society, to do makeup, styling, and dress beautifully again every day. And send the baby to kindergarten as soon as possible.
And this is quite normal. Only a small number of modern women are comfortable with the role of housewife. With daily washing, ironing, cooking and other attributes of the "master's" life. In the end, she fulfilled her sacred duty, so to speak, her social and civic duty. She gave birth to a child, raised him to a certain age. Kindergarten is waiting!
Preparing the kid for kindergarten
Now it's time to carefully introduce the kid to society, introduce and teach him how to live and interact with the team. Show that besides mom, grandmother and the playground there is another world. And it is sometimes difficult, sometimes incomprehensible and sometimes cruel. But you have to learn to live in it, make friends, enjoy the little things, obey the educators, despite the fact that mom will not be around and at the right moment you will not hide behind her. You will have to make your own decisions.
Before you send your child to the kindergarten, start preparing him mentally. Every day, explain to him what he will do there, evoke pictures in his imagination. Tell only good things about the kindergarten, but at the same time emphasize that mom will not be with him, but at work, instead of her - educators and children. Not all children are ready for kindergarten when the time comes. There is such a concept - "a non-Sadov child". In this case, a longer adaptation is required. But so that there are no such problems, you should initially think about how to behave with the baby and properly teach to communicate with peers.
How to get on the queue for kindergarten?
In the first few months after birth, visit your local office of education and put your baby on a waiting list for preschool. In order not to stand in kilometer-long queues, an electronic service has been created, where on a special portal you can fill out an application, enter your data, number and series of documents and control your position in the queue.
Before that, of course, you need to choose a preschool institution where you would like to send your baby. Several gardens can be selected. Take into account your location at the moment when it is time for the baby to go to kindergarten, suddenly you overeat. This is especially true for tenants. If your area has more than one garden, just in case, queue up for everything.
No vacancies - what to do?
And now the time has finally come! At the specified time, you come to the education department, and they tell you - there are no places. There is no limit to your indignation! You have already planned everything, they are waiting at work, you are in the mood for changes in life. What to do? Where to complain?
First of all, calm down and do not break firewood, do not roll up scandals, this will not achieve anything. In disputes with government agencies, you need a sober mind and a cold mind. To begin with, try to find out from the employee: for what reason there is no place and ask how you should proceed so that the place still appears.
In general, ask a lot of the right questions. The key word is correct. That is, purposeful and open, that is, they do not imply a monosyllabic answer. Put yourself in the shoes of this employee. Which person would you like to help? The one that pours curses and hysterics, or open, but confused, really in need of help.
Well, if you come across real concrete, which, as they say, you can't get through: he answers questions in a dodgy and monosyllabic manner, you can't pity, then don't humiliate yourself. With a sense of your own dignity, go to your boss or any higher-ranking official. There, try to draw attention to yourself, everything is just as cold and calculating. Just like a tank - go straight to your goal - you need to get a place in kindergarten.
In parallel, find out the real situation in the kindergarten, go to the head. Perhaps by cunning, by offering help to her institution, find out if there are places in the kindergarten. Having collected all the information, write complaints wherever possible: to the education department, to the administration - wherever they can and are obliged to help figure it out. Knock and they will open for you.
There is an option to contact the deputy at his place of residence (there are such in every district of any city). And also ask him for help. This, of course, is also a lottery, but it sometimes works. Remember that in any case, any of your statements must be answered. This is the law, your rights as a citizen of your country, and you must know and understand them. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Therefore, take action! Write, call, just torture them with questions.
Finally, one more piece of advice - often go to the same department of education. It often happens that the queues are updated, somehow reset to zero, as a result of moving, dropping out of children in the gardens. Perhaps it is in the garden that you are applying for that space will be freed up by itself.