Will A Child Be Taken To Kindergarten Without Vaccinations?

Will A Child Be Taken To Kindergarten Without Vaccinations?
Will A Child Be Taken To Kindergarten Without Vaccinations?

According to Russian law, the absence of routine vaccinations in a child cannot be a reason for refusing admission to a preschool institution. However, parents often face the illiteracy of kindergarten medical personnel.

Will a child be admitted to kindergarten without vaccinations?
Will a child be admitted to kindergarten without vaccinations?

Vaccinations are voluntary

In the country, the practice of vaccinating everyone in a row went back to Soviet times. The powerful propaganda of vaccination then did its job: no one even thought of giving up immunization, absolutely all children were vaccinated for up to a year. However, today there are more and more reports of post-vaccination complications (PVO), many of which are fatal, turning initially healthy children into disabled children. Such information cannot leave indifferent parents, who, of course, love their children and do not want a similar fate for them.

The effectiveness of vaccination is also questioned, because even vaccinated people can get sick with the diseases from which they were vaccinated. In such a situation, it is logical to abandon such unjustified medical intervention, but it stops the kindergarten, for which, as many doctors assure, vaccinations are mandatory. But this is not the case! According to Russian law, vaccination is a purely voluntary matter and can only be carried out with the written consent of the parents or guardians of the minor.

The legislative framework

Not only a child who lacks one or two routine vaccinations can go to kindergarten, but also a child who has never been vaccinated since birth. All the indignations of doctors, nurses and kindergarten directors are illegal. However, they are sometimes so convinced that they are right that parents have to dig deep into the laws and poke their noses at illiterate employees.

So, the main point to which it is worth referring is the federal law "On the immunization of infectious diseases," namely, Articles 5 and 11, which clearly indicate the voluntariness of vaccination. At the same time, it is necessary to point out the "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens", where Article 33 speaks of the right to refuse medical intervention. Also cite article 26 of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which deals with the right to preschool education. Well, the last law to be referred to is the RF Law "On Education". In it, in the first part of the 5th article, it is said about the possibility of obtaining education by citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of health status.

If even the references to the laws do not convince the employees responsible for admitting the child to the kindergarten, and they continue to insist on vaccination, feel free to go to the prosecutor's office. Before that, inform the illiterate officials of your intention and ask them to write you a refusal to accept the child in writing. As a rule, this is enough for the issue to be resolved in your favor without ever getting to the law enforcement agencies for consideration.
