How To Send A Child To Rhythmic Gymnastics

How To Send A Child To Rhythmic Gymnastics
How To Send A Child To Rhythmic Gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is now becoming popular. Having decided to send a child to this sport, it is necessary to go through a certain algorithm of actions and take into account certain nuances.

an activity with a child
an activity with a child

How to send a child to rhythmic gymnastics

The child should be physically and psychologically prepared in advance for rhythmic gymnastics classes. It is advisable to develop a sense of rhythm, plasticity, coordination of movements, memory, endurance and other data long before the child enters professional classes. Many sports schools for this sport conduct preparatory classes for girls from 3-4 years old, and some from 2, 5 years old.

Having decided to send your child to rhythmic gymnastics, the first step is to find the optimal section or school. If you decide to send your child to rhythmic gymnastics just for health, then an ordinary sports section at some sports palace may suit you. More ambitious parents need to find a sports school or (even better) sports school for rhythmic gymnastics. In this case, proximity to the child's place of residence will play a decisive role.

In addition, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, to obtain their approval for practicing this sport. The realities of sports are such that not every child will be taken to classes. And rhythmic gymnastics is no exception. Girls are taken to this sport without any contraindications. Contraindications: problems with weight, spine, cardiovascular system, hearing and vision. They also prefer flexible and mobile children. If your child does not meet these criteria, he will not be accepted into professional sports.

Having chosen a place of study and having passed a medical examination, you need to get the teacher's consent to take this child. In some schools, they take everyone in a row, and then gradually weed out during the course of classes. In others, only capable girls are initially hired. At the same time, the trainer pays attention not only to health and flexibility, but also to the child's sense of rhythm and musicality, to his external data. For this, introductory tests are carried out. You need to know their date in advance.

After passing the entrance tests, you can prepare documents and go through registration upon admission. After the child undergoes a medical examination and entrance tests, parents will be asked to write an application for the child's admission. Also, some children's schools require photocopies of parents' passports and a child's birth certificate.

In addition, if necessary, you will have to pay for the lessons. At the same time, in the sports school of the Olympic reserve, classes are, as a rule, free of charge or for a symbolic amount.

What needs to be considered when sending a child to rhythmic gymnastics

The child must be healthy.

Gymnasts train on average 5 days a week for 4-6 hours a day. This routine of life assumes the proximity of the sports school for rhythmic gymnastics to the place of residence of the athlete.

Girls begin to engage in rhythmic gymnastics directly from the age of 6-7, but preparation for this sport should begin much earlier - from 5, or even from 3 years.

It is necessary to prepare for significant financial expenses. The parents of gymnasts donate most of the money not to classes with a coach, but to costumes and gymnastic equipment, and at an older age to travel to competitions.
