At the birth of a baby, it seems to parents that the day when their child will stand up and try to take his first steps in life is still very, very far away. But time flies quickly and the moment comes when the question arises of buying shoes in which the baby will stand on his feet and begin to learn to walk.

Step 1
Talk to your pediatrician and orthopedic doctor about buying the first shoe in life for your child. It may happen that your child needs special orthopedic shoes. Only then go shopping.
Step 2
Choose shoes for a child with fitting on his leg, because the sizes of different manufacturers may not coincide with each other and, a discrepancy of several millimeters, is acceptable for the seller, but does not suit you.
Step 3
Look closely at how the shoe matches the width of the foot and the height of the arch. If the sandals are too narrow, it is not worth taking them, there is no need for the baby to experience inconvenience when learning the walking process, and the consequences of wearing such shoes can be extremely unpleasant: the compression of the foot leads to its deformation, as well as abrasions on the child's skin (calluses), which can become the reason for the temporary refusal of the baby from trying to learn to walk.
Step 4
Pay attention to the size of the shoe: it should not be too big, the leg should not "walk". A suitable size is one that leaves about 5-7 mm from the edge of the big toe to the edge of the sandal. The foot does not grow so quickly to buy sandals one size larger and thereby expose the little man to the risk of improper foot formation.
Step 5
Look at the material from which the first shoe was made. Give preference to leather and fabric products - they "breathe" better and allow the baby's foot to feel comfortable.
Step 6
Be sure to choose models with a high and hard back (on it in the upper part there may be soft pads - for convenience and protection of heels from calluses) and a good fastening-fastener. The sole should bend at the toe, not in the middle - this is a must when choosing the right shoe.
Step 7
Choose flat-soled shoes for your baby that do not have deep relief in the so-called support zones, with a heel of no more than 5-7 mm.
Step 8
Choose shoes taking into account the recommendations of an orthopedist, because even orthopedic shoes are divided into conditionally orthopedic (with an instep support, which serves to prevent flat feet), and special orthopedic (made directly for a specific child in order to correct the foot)