How Computer Games Affect Children

How Computer Games Affect Children
How Computer Games Affect Children

In our age of computer technology, no one is surprised by the fact that each person has a huge number of gadgets and other items of technological progress. But it is worth considering whether they bring more benefit or harm to our lives, and most importantly, how they affect children.

How computer games affect children
How computer games affect children

Now more and more teenagers are exposed to the influence of computer and telephone games, in the literal sense they are completely dependent on them. Naturally, this affects the process of their education, participation in all kinds of activities, as well as their physical and mental development. Children themselves do not notice how they fall into this technological trap, become aggressive towards others and are practically not interested in anything.

This problem is constantly being considered by scientists and doctors of various fields of science. Formally, they can be divided into two camps: the one that is for computer games, and the one that is against them. Those who are against talk about the widespread degradation of children, their fixation on one scenario, and, in this regard, the refusal of the brain to function and develop normally.

Moreover, such games also affect the human nervous system, he becomes aggressive and unable to control himself, admit his mistakes and analyze what is happening. These children develop physical health problems in the spine, joint structure, vision and hearing impairment. They practically do not know how to speak and express their thoughts accurately, they are afraid to start a conversation with their peers.

On the other hand, those who are in favor argue that the computer age, on the contrary, has increased the mental activity of children. Computer games allow them to fantasize and think outside the box, creating their own scenarios of events. Scientists also argue that children have increased memory capacity, and therefore they can remember more and more information from the outside. That they can design complex schemes and processes in their heads, easily navigating them, and all this thanks to computer games.

In fact, one can only guess about what will happen in the future with children who spend too much time on gadgets. This is the first generation of the century of technological breakthrough, which has not yet demonstrated its skills and abilities in the practice of specific tasks. As a conclusion, it can be assumed that everything has a golden mean and that you should not allow children to spend too much time in the computer world so that in the future they will turn into healthy cells of society.
