Pets can awaken feelings of love and affection in your children, teach them to take care of others and be careful with nature. However, some animals can be especially beneficial for your child.

A pet can influence the formation of a certain set of personal qualities of your baby, the development of his out-of-the-box thinking and creativity. Keep this in mind when going to the pet store.
The best assistant in the development of children will be a chinchilla. A small gray rodent is unpretentious in care: it is enough to feed him two or three times a day and clean the cage once a week - he will no longer cause you any trouble. In return, it will help the child develop fine motor skills and move more - the chinchilla is restless, and the child will definitely not sit in one place all day. It is easy to train - if your son or daughter devotes a couple of hours a day to training the animal, he will soon be able to jump over the ring, respond to his nickname and "kiss" the little owner on the cheek.
If you want to teach your child how to take care of loved ones, get a guinea pig. This animal requires careful care - therefore, pay attention to the age "qualification" - do not give a fluffy ball to a baby who is not yet 10 years old. The rodent must be carefully picked up, carefully bathed and treated with cucumbers and fresh herbs. By treating the mumps with care, the child learns to pay attention to the requests of parents and friends.
The Rebel Teenager's Matchmaker is a proud and independent feline. The appearance of a cat in the house has a magical effect on the microclimate in the family, a child who is at the stage of transitional age becomes more assiduous and calm, and academic performance improves. Suffering from a misunderstanding between parents and teachers, the teenager will come home, pet his beloved pet … and calm down! Scientists have long proven that daily five-minute stroking of cat's fur helps to cope with the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is familiar to every second teenager.
If you are worried about the lack of communication and isolation of the offspring, buy him a large breed dog. Long walks in the park will help him find new friends, because you no longer have to painfully search for a reason to talk - the dog will attract the attention of his peers. Questions will sprinkle, and then friendship is not far.