Many children spend the summer in the countryside. Some go to their dacha, others visit their grandparents. To make the summer fun and fruitful, you should think in advance about what to do with your child in the countryside.

Outdoor games
In the village, the child spends maximum free time in the fresh air. Organize his leisure time. For kids, you can install a sandpit and a swing on the site, and for older children, ball games, badminton, and frisbee are suitable.
If financial possibilities permit, buy a full-fledged children's play complex. Talented dads can make a playground for a child with their own hands. Many children dream of their own tree house or gazebo. A trampoline is beyond competition, both adults and children are happy with it.
Picnics and river hikes
Summer is the time for picnics and hikes. It is not at all necessary to make heavy marches over long distances. A picnic in the garden or on the nearby lawn is a great way to have fun and use your time. Children not only go for a walk, but also explore new places. Tell them about the plants and trees in the area, admire the nature and enjoy the moment.
With middle-aged and older children, you can go to the forest for berries or mushrooms.
You can also organize a family photo session in nature.
Not a single hot summer in the village is complete without swimming in a river or lake. Do not deny the children this joy, go with them to the river. The main thing is to follow the safety rules and do not let the kids go to the pond without the accompaniment of adults.
If there is no good reservoir nearby, install a pool on the site. Now on sale a huge number of inflatable and frame pools for children and adults of all sizes and configurations.
Cycling is a good way to enjoy your summer. This is not only fun, but also healthy.
Helping grandmother
Engage children in work, let them help grandmother with household chores to the best of their ability. Toddlers can pick fruits and berries, and older children can work in the garden.
Pet care is very beneficial for the all-round development of a child. In the village, the kid can "get acquainted" with chickens and ducks, pet fluffy rabbits or feed a goat. In this simple way, children learn about the world in all its diversity, learn to value and protect wildlife.
Grandmother is a needlewoman and craftswoman can teach grandchildren to embroider or bake delicious pies, and grandfather can teach the basics of carpentry or go fishing with them.
Creativity and self-development
Even while resting in the village from city worries and worries, one should not forget about the development of the child. Board games, reading and creative activities (drawing, modeling, music) should be present in the children's schedule.
Draw a landscape or still life with your child, ask him to depict life in the village.
On rainy days, you can collect jigsaw puzzles or watch cartoons. It is not necessary to completely deprive children in the village of their usual gadgets, just give them out for a certain time. With an active pastime in nature, children themselves will not want to spend a lot of time at the computer.
Many new friends can be found in the summer. Let the child get to know the village children or neighbors in the country. Sometimes "summer friendship" develops into a strong friendship for many years.