How Much Should A Baby Weigh At 3 Months

How Much Should A Baby Weigh At 3 Months
How Much Should A Baby Weigh At 3 Months

The weight of babies in the first months of life is very important, so you should carefully monitor its addition. Of course, each child's weight depends on certain circumstances. A very important role is played by the nutrition of the child and the illnesses he has suffered. In addition, when measuring the baby's body weight, you need to take into account what his original weight was at birth.

How much should a baby weigh at 3 months
How much should a baby weigh at 3 months

Ideal weight for a 3 month old baby

To find out how much a child should weigh at three months, you should not look at the numbers that are displayed on the electronic scales, but at the increase itself. For example, if a baby was born weighing from 3, 4 to 3, 6 kg, with proper nutrition and development of the body, his weight in three months should reach at least 5.5 kg, but not more than 6, 6.

Every month a child under one year old should ideally gain from seven hundred grams to one kilogram. Unless, of course, there are other prescriptions from the doctor.

The weight of the child also depends on the physique of the parents, that is, heredity. Of course, if everyone in your family is slim, you shouldn't expect your child to gain weight quickly. These children usually gain from 600 to 900 grams per month. You should not sound the alarm if the increase was slightly more or less than the norm, because each child is a small individual organism that develops in the way that suits him. Of course, you can try to rectify the situation and start feeding the baby more or less often, change the diet to a fatty one or vice versa. But do not forget that at three months the baby's first bait begins, and, perhaps, it will correct the situation for the better.

A monthly consultation with a pediatrician helps to monitor the child's weight. There, at every appointment, your baby is weighed and measured.

In case of serious deviations, the doctor will definitely give you the necessary recommendations.

Deviation from the norm

A deviation from the norm by 6-10% is considered normal, because many conditions affect the development of the baby. Deviation from the norm by 11-18% is already more serious, but you should not immediately panic. Consult your doctor, this may be a temporary phenomenon and is associated, for example, with the transition from breast milk to powdered formula. All deviations above 18% are considered dangerous. If your baby has just such a case, you need to urgently consult a pediatrician and nutritionist. Your child may develop obesity or dystrophy. But you shouldn't worry too much, in the early stages this can be avoided by contacting a specialist on time.

To avoid problems with being overweight or overweight, you should carefully monitor the baby's nutrition and introduce complementary foods gradually. You should not abruptly transfer the baby to another diet without consulting a doctor. Choose only high-quality products for the first feeding, it is advisable to cook them yourself at all.
