How Much Should Babies Weigh At 2 Months

How Much Should Babies Weigh At 2 Months
How Much Should Babies Weigh At 2 Months

Each child has its own developmental program, so the growth and weight indicators of babies can be very different. However, there are statistics that give an idea of how much babies should weigh at a certain age.

How much should babies weigh at 2 months
How much should babies weigh at 2 months

Weight indicators in children are individual, but there are some average values, being guided by which, pediatricians make a conclusion about the growth rate of each baby. It should be borne in mind that approximately 10% of children do not fit into the existing framework due to the peculiarities of development. The weight of these babies has to be monitored more carefully.

The main parameters of height and weight

A newborn in the second month of life develops very rapidly. It is normal to gain weight regularly from 600 g to 1200 g every month, on average, babies should weigh 800 g more than in the previous month. During the same period, the baby will grow by 3-4 cm.

Next to the average weight there is an interval, assessed by specialists as a variant of the norm: the child's weight can be either below or above average. When determining the boundaries of the interval, the sex, height and weight of the infant at the time of birth, as well as the state of health of the child are taken into account.

Girls usually weigh less than boys. In 2 month old children of any sex, the average weight should be 5, 1-5, 6 kg. The indicator of weight is considered very low in 3, 4-3, 8 kg, low - in 3, 9-4, 3 kg, below average - 4, 5-4, 9 kg. Very high weight - 7, 5-8 kg, high - 6, 6-7, 1 kg, above average - 5, 8-6, 3 kg.

The lowest rates are in children born earlier than planned. The highest - in children born with a weight of 4 to 5.5 kg. It happens that by 2 months thin children are intensively gaining weight, adding 1, 5-1, 7 kg, and large ones, on the contrary, lose it, gaining an increase of only 200-400 g.

How to bring an infant's weight to the recommended values

To normalize the weight of the child, you need to adjust his nutrition. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding for 2-month-old babies at intervals of about 3-4 hours, while there should be at least six feedings per day. The night break in feedings can be up to 6 hours. With artificial feeding, children eat milk mixtures according to the following scheme: at the beginning of the second month, the child needs to eat 80 ml for 1 dose, gradually by the end of the month this amount is brought to 120 ml-150 ml.

From the first to the third months of life, babies eat irregularly: often, and rarely, and at night, hence the fluctuations in weight. However, a child should eat up to 900 ml of milk per day. For the first 6 weeks, the baby can be fed on demand without adhering to a specific schedule. But, in the future, it is necessary to develop a diet and strictly observe it.

For babies feeding on breast milk, feedings should take place at the set time, the permissible deviation from the schedule is no more than 15 minutes, with artificial feeding - no more than half an hour.
