A few facts that will explain the importance of breastfeeding and convince some mothers not to deny themselves or their baby the pleasure.

- Each woman's breast milk smells differently, and the baby will be able to distinguish between the smell of his mother's milk and that of someone else's woman.
- Breast milk can be taken as a pain reliever, but not by mouth, but by rubbing it into sore spots. For example, almost every mother is familiar with chest pain during breastfeeding. Your own breast milk will help to cope with this pain, it is enough to rub it into the places where the pain is localized with massage movements.
- Many mothers are familiar with Sudden Death Syndrome. More often than not, of course, by ear, but, nevertheless, it scares. But it's worth noting that breastfed babies are less likely to die from this syndrome than bottle-fed babies.
- When breastfeeding, there is no need to buy formula milk, and this greatly affects the financial condition of the family.
- Such feeding also has a positive effect on mothers, health problems are reduced, and many diseases are prevented.
- If the mother is sick, then you should not stop breastfeeding. Most likely, the child will not get sick, but will only strengthen his immunity, having received the necessary antibodies from the mother.
- Do not compare breast volume and milk volume. Large breasts are not yet a guarantee of a large amount of breast milk, it is quite possible that the situation will turn out the other way around.
- If a woman is breastfeeding, then, most likely, she will quickly bring her body into shape than those women who refused it.
- Breastfeeding is a good way to lose weight, because it burns the same amount of kilocalories that could be burned for a walk ten kilometers.
- Breastfeeding also has a positive effect on the baby, it mainly affects various kinds of diseases, and not only colds, but also others, such as ear infections, asthma and diabetes. By the way, children who were bottle-fed are more likely to suffer from obesity.
- A baby who was breastfed will more easily accept a new complementary food, because thanks to mother's milk, he already knows the taste of some food.
- Also, some women sell their breast milk, its price is from three hundred rubles per one hundred milliliters.
- The very process of breastfeeding has a positive effect on the condition of a newborn baby, helps to control body temperature and develop the necessary reflexes for life.
- Most often during breastfeeding, most milk is produced in the right hand, because of this, after the end of the feeding period, one breast remains larger than the other.
- There is no need to dilute breast milk, nature has taken care of this and controls this process in a natural way.
- Many people think that there is only one hole in the nipple for the release of milk, but this is not the case, their number is individual for each woman.