Egg yolk is the source of most of the essential sources for the full development of a child. Egg yolk contains protein, amino acids, fats, phospholipids, choline, iron, copper, colbate, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin D and many other useful components.

Step 1
It is necessary to introduce egg yolk into the child's diet gradually. The initial portion should be? yolk for 3 days. You need to give the yolk in the morning in order to observe the body's reaction to a new product. Pay attention to the condition of the baby's skin. The main thing is that redness, rashes, spots and bubbles do not appear. If allergies do not appear, you can increase the dose to? yolk per day. In this case, it is necessary to continue to monitor the condition of the skin. After 2-3 weeks, you can feed the child a whole yolk once every 3-4 days.
Step 2
Remember that a boiled egg contributes to constipation. Therefore, if a child has such a tendency, it is better not to burden his body with this product.
Step 3
The yolk should be given in mashed form with the addition of a small amount of breast milk or an adapted infant formula.
Step 4
The yolk can be added to the child's diet along with protein. If the child is breastfed, then the protein can be injected from 7 months, if artificially, then from 6 months.
Step 5
You can give your child only a fresh chicken egg; you need to store it in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
Step 6
Before starting the introduction of yolk into the child's diet, be sure to consult with a pediatrician.