The density of a child's hair depends on the number of hair follicles, or, in other words, hair follicles. The more of them, the, respectively, the hair is thicker. The number of follicles depends on the genetic predisposition and remains unchanged throughout life. But among them there are those that are in a "sleeping" state. If activated, hair can become thicker. This requires proper hair care from birth.

It is necessary
baby shampoo, nettle infusion, baby brush or hair comb made of natural materials
Step 1
A child can be born with thick, very soft, dark hair, or, conversely, no hair at all. This first fluff will disappear within the first three months of life and does not require special care. Just rinse it once a week with warm water while bathing.
Step 2
Then coarser hair appears, which later, during puberty, will be replaced by "real adults". The active period of their growth falls on the age of the child 2 - 3 years. It is at this time that you pay extra attention to hair care.
Step 3
Wash your hair no more than once a week, gently touching your scalp. The water temperature should be slightly higher than the body temperature.
Step 4
Try to choose the right baby shampoo. It is desirable that its composition does not contain lauryl, which often leads to dryness and flaking, and the pH value is in the range from 4.5 to 6. After washing, to strengthen the roots, rinse your hair with nettle infusion.
Step 5
After bathing, simply blot your hair without drying it too thoroughly. Do not comb wet hair or use a hairdryer to dry.
Step 6
Give your child a head massage daily. To do this, purchase a baby bristle brush or wooden comb. In the morning and evening, gently comb your hair in the direction of growth for at least two minutes. This procedure stimulates blood circulation, enhancing nutrition and, consequently, hair growth and density.
Step 7
Do not braid girls too tight. This leads to thinning hair and bald patches. Choose soft hair ties, do not use metal hairpins.
Step 8
At least once a month, trim the ends of your hair at least a little. This will help them grow better and look neater. But a one-year-old child should not shave off all his hair. The statement that thick hair will grow after this is a myth that does not have any confirmation.
Step 9
Hair is one of the indicators of overall health. Therefore, pay special attention to the nutrition of the baby. Vitamins of group B, A and E contribute to the growth and strengthening of hair. Make sure that all of them are present in the baby's diet according to age.