Straight hair can be made curly with curlers and curling irons. There are several ways to curl strands, the correct option must be selected for a specific hair type.

Hair curlers or heat rollers, curling iron or curling iron, shampoo, heat protection curling iron, hairspray, comb, clips
Step 1
To curl your hair with a curler, first wash your hair with shampoo. Dry your hair lightly with a hair dryer until slightly damp. Comb very carefully. Comb the top of your hair up, secure with clips to keep your hair out of the way. Separate a thin section of hair from the bottom and wind it on the curlers towards the head.
Step 2
For long hair, use long curlers so that the curl does not look curled, but wavy after removing them. Curlers can be taken in various shapes and materials. In this case, the curls will always be different, and you can choose the best curler option for yourself, the curling with which you will like the best.
Step 3
After winding all the lower hairs, wind the hair at the top in the same way. Lastly, roll your bangs onto large curlers. Slightly damp hair with curlers should be kept until completely dry for 2-3 hours. You can speed up this process by drying the curled hair with a warm hairdryer. When winding the hot rollers on the hair, the curls are formed within 20 minutes after their application.
Step 4
Remove the curlers gently as your hair dries. Do not comb so that the curls retain their appearance, but spread them with your hands. Spray hair lightly with hairspray for better hold.
Step 5
When using a curling iron (hot tongs) or a curling iron on the washed strands, you should first apply a heat protectant and thoroughly dry the curls with a hairdryer. Then follow the same principle: pull the top of the hair up and wind the bottom hair first. Once you curl the entire bottom of your hair with tongs, lightly sprinkle the hairspray on it.
Step 6
Start curling the top of your hair with a curling iron. When all the strands are ready, style the curls as you like and fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish. From curled hair, you can create hairstyles, braid a weak braid, pin with combs and hairpins, intercept with a ribbon, fix individual strands on the head with invisibility.