Children sometimes have oral diseases such as stomatitis. It has two varieties, so in order to cure the disease, as well as prevent its reappearance, you need to consult a dentist. Only a doctor will be able to determine the type of stomatitis, prescribe a course of antibacterial or antiviral drugs.

Step 1
If your child has signs such as tearfulness, refusal to eat, and sores are observed in the mouth, then the baby has herpetic stomatitis. The cause of this disease is infection. Antiviral therapy is used to treat this type of stomatitis.
Step 2
Dissolve furacillin powder in warm water. This will require one tablet per half liter of liquid. With this solution, rinse the baby's mouth every three to four hours. Such treatment will help not only to disinfect the inflammation focus, but also to soften, and at best remove the crusts formed on the ulcers.
Step 3
Give antiviral therapy. Medicines will be prescribed by a dentist, he will determine the severity of the disease. It is recommended for a child with stomatitis to take vitamins. They are necessary to boost immunity.
Step 4
If a baby has a white plaque in the oral cavity in the form of spots with uneven edges, this means that the child has candidal stomatitis. This disease is treated in the following way.
Step 5
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Treat the baby's mouth with this solution. If the child is small, accordingly, he cannot rinse his mouth himself. To do this, moisten a sterile napkin in the prepared solution, wipe the affected areas.
Step 6
Remember that any type of stomatitis is contagious. Therefore, boil the nipples, towels, clothes, toys of the sick child. This is necessary in order to protect others, as well as to prevent the recurrence of stomatitis.
Step 7
Feed your baby only pureed food. Give your baby water and fruit juices to drink on demand. But remember that the liquid should not be hot or cold. Your task is not to irritate the mucous membrane affected by stomatitis.
Step 8
Ventilate the sick child's room. Do this regularly. Fresh air will help the baby to recover, as well as restore immunity from this disease.