Jaundice in neurons occurs in about 60-70 percent of cases. There is pathological and physiological jaundice. The first requires careful research and treatment of the baby, as it is caused by various diseases. The second does not need long-term treatment, it usually goes away within 3-4 days.

Step 1
Physiological jaundice is not a disease. It is associated with the immaturity of the child's body and its adaptation to new environmental conditions. In an adult, erythrocytes are constantly renewed, old cells form the substance bilirubin, which is excreted by the liver. In a baby, the liver is not yet fully functioning, therefore, the formed bilirubin, which gives the skin and mucous membranes a yellowish tint, remains in the child's body.
Step 2
After the body's functions begin to be fully performed, the baby's skin color returns to normal. The skin acquires the most pronounced yellow color in about 3-4 days, therefore, if the mother and the baby are at home, you should not panic, but it is necessary to observe the course of the process. Completely jaundice in newborns disappears by 7-8 days of life. If the skin color has not returned to normal, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to avoid possible complications and find out the cause of such a pathology.
Step 3
Medicines for the treatment of physiological jaundice in newborns are practically not used in modern medicine. The most effective method these days is light therapy, or phototherapy. With this method of treatment, the baby's skin is illuminated with a special lamp, as a result of the treatment of which bilirubin is converted into substances that are excreted from the body in urine and feces. Sometimes, as a result of such treatment, the baby may experience slight irritation or peeling of the skin, drowsiness. But all these phenomena disappear without a trace after the completion of the course.
Step 4
Early and frequent breastfeeding is another way to combat jaundice in newborns. Breast milk helps to strengthen the immune system and speed up the elimination of bilirubin. Babies suffering from jaundice are overly drowsy. Therefore, they need to be woken up so as not to miss feedings. In addition, doctors recommend, as often as possible, to take such babies for a walk in indirect sunlight.