"Where did I come from?" - one day you will hear this phrase from your child. Many parents are caught off guard by natural childish curiosity. How can a baby answer this delicate question?

Step 1
The main thing is not to panic. Sooner or later, the child will ask this question. Do not try to escape the answer, because if the child does not receive the information he is interested in at home, on the street or in the kindergarten, there will certainly be those willing to share their knowledge. If your child came to you, then the baby trusts you. Even if the baby does not ask anything like that, this does not mean that he is not interested in where he came from. You can start such a conversation yourself.
Step 2
A few decades ago, kids were often told about the stork, cabbage, and the store. True, not all kids believed in this. Even now, this option remains rather dubious. What if in a couple of years you decide to give birth to another baby? Better to tell everything as it is.
Step 3
First of all, tell the child that mom and dad met and fell in love with each other and wanted them to have a baby. This is the main thing. It is not always successful to give examples of animals, because, as a rule, in nature, males do not participate in the upbringing of offspring. And even more so, you should not show your child the intercourse of yard cats or dogs. The child cannot bear anything good and informative from what he saw.
Step 4
In this case, there is absolutely no need to delve into the anatomical details of conception. It is enough for a 3-5 year old kid to say “You lived in your mother’s tummy. You were warm and comfortable there. Then you grew up, you wanted to see your mom and dad and you were born. Tell that mom went to the maternity hospital, where the doctor helped the baby to be born.
Step 5
This is often enough to answer the offspring's question. If the child asks how he was able to get out of his mother's tummy, you can answer that there is a special hole for this, but you cannot show it to anyone. And, of course, you shouldn't scare your baby with stories about caesarean section or forceps.
Step 6
An older child can be told that boys and girls are arranged differently, and that thanks to special organs, an adult man and woman can give birth to a baby. In this case, again, there is no need to go into the details of the process. In addition, there are many good picture books that you can read and show your child, adapted for children of different ages. For example, Doris Ruebel "Where Do Children Come From", Virginie Dumont, Serge Montagna "Where Do Children Come From".