Why Does A Child Need A Toy-sorter

Why Does A Child Need A Toy-sorter
Why Does A Child Need A Toy-sorter

A sorter is a toy of various shapes designed to sort objects by shape, size, color, etc. As the experience of communicating with mothers shows, many children like this toy. They are a cube, a cylinder, a machine with a sorter, geometry toys.

Why does a child need a toy-sorter
Why does a child need a toy-sorter

Usually, sorters are recommended for children from a year or a half. It happens that they give a baby a sorter at one year old, but he does not arouse interest and the child refuses to play with him, and six months later he takes the toy with great pleasure. Let's take a closer look at each direction in the development of children when playing with a sorter.

Logical thinking

The child, playing with the sorter, develops his logical thinking, thanks to the selection of the same shapes in shape, color, name, etc. At first, the child does not understand that a triangle does not fit into the hole for the circle, then, by the selection method, the toddler finds the desired figure. In the future, the sorting process will not take much of the child's time. We recommend that mothers first show the child what to do. It will not be superfluous to give a hint to the fidget.

Color and shape perception

Thanks to the sorter toys, the baby develops ideas about different shapes and figures. During the game, the representation and memorization of the primary colors is formed. The child can be given the task to choose the same colors for the liner: first, the crumb will sort the parts by color, then put them into the holes of the sorter. Remember to be there and help your baby.

Geometric Shapes Concepts

Most of the sorters consist precisely of geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a rhombus, a triangle. Be sure to play with the child, pronounce the names of the selected figures so that the little man will remember them faster.

Hand motor development

The sorter is one of many toys that shapes the sequence of baby's movements and acts as finger gymnastics. Psychologists have long proven that the development of motor skills is directly related to the further development of speech in children.

Concepts about the world around

Sorting figures by animal species, transport, household items and others, the child develops his horizons. In turn, during the game, we recommend explaining to the child in more detail about each figure and its meaning.

It is recommended to purchase a sorter, depending on the age of the child, with a further increase in the toy-sorter in terms of difficulty.
