How To Start Going To The Garden

How To Start Going To The Garden
How To Start Going To The Garden

Table of contents:


A few tips on how to teach your child to garden and how not to discourage going there.

How to start going to the garden
How to start going to the garden


Step 1

If you are planning to send your child to the kindergarten, start by telling him about toys, children, educators. Set your child up to be positive, but don't be fooled.

Step 2

Walk with your baby around the kindergarten, and then take a walk with his future group. Never frighten your child with the garden.

Step 3

It is better to go to doctors in advance so that the medical examination does not leave a negative imprint on the trip to the kindergarten. Better, of course, if you yourself teach your baby to potty, teach to eat, dress, collect toys. It is necessary to accustom the child to the kindergarten regime a few months before admission.

Step 4

You should not leave the crumb on the first day until the evening. Leave it on for a couple of hours. When you come to pick up, tell us how you missed him. If everything is in order, then the stay time can be increased every day.

Step 5

Take an interest in what your treasure did in the kindergarten. Especially in the first week. If suddenly the kid refuses to tell, try to play the game: "the bunny goes to the kindergarten." As the game progresses, ask the child to draw a garden, and everything that happens there.

Step 6

A very useful thing is a ritual. It connects the baby and the mother. Create your own rituals. For example, a farewell ritual. Let the child be sure to kiss his parents before leaving, leave his favorite toy to save for his grandmother, and the like. Although on the first day it is better to take your beloved "hare" with you. His presence will create an illusion of security in the child. After you've said goodbye and walked out the door of the group, there is no need to stand and listen, much less cry. There is a very strong bond between you, all your emotions are transmitted to the child. Help your sunshine to get comfortable in society.

Step 7

You need to be prepared for unpleasant moments. After a couple of weeks, the child's appetite may deteriorate, he will talk less, stop asking for a potty, may withdraw into himself and start to get sick. Support the kid, let him walk through the kindergarten. But don't forget to cultivate a good attitude towards the garden. Make it clear that you love him very much, and he will again go to the kindergarten with pleasure.

Step 8

It is better to bring a modest kid to the group in advance, so that he gets used to the situation a little.

Step 9

At the end of the first day, prepare a gift for your baby. Let this day be remembered as the most joyful.
