How Is Adaptation To School Going?

How Is Adaptation To School Going?
How Is Adaptation To School Going?

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Going to school fundamentally changes a child's life. Studying is already the main occupation, "work". Children are forced to accurately perform certain tasks, concentrate on subjects, strain their memory to assimilate the material, sit at a desk for a long time without the usual freedom of movement … The life of a student is subject to a system of strict and identical rules for all students. The task of the parents is to help the child to adapt easier and faster.

How is adaptation to school going?
How is adaptation to school going?


  • - tell truthfully about the school;
  • - make it clear to the child that you believe in him;
  • - to organize a "workplace" at home;
  • - to be interested in school affairs, but not to do homework;
  • - be able to explain.


Step 1

Tell your child about school without intimidating him or her, but also without imagining the school as a source of joyful entertainment. The attitude of adults should be calm, encouraging, benevolent. The child should be aware that mom and dad understand the significance of this new stage in his life, believe in his diligence and strength.

Step 2

When sending your child to school, think over in advance the organization of his "workplace" ("schoolchildren's corner") at home. It is important that the homework space is permanent and only used for study.

Step 3

Be prepared for the fact that at first everything will not go well with the child, that he will not immediately adapt to the new daily routine. Take an interest in his school affairs, praise him - but do not try to "make life easier" by doing homework for the little student.

Step 4

Help your child understand that the marks he receives in class are not an expression of the teacher's personal attitude towards him, but an assessment of his knowledge and the quality of the work he has done. Good behavior and good knowledge are not the same thing! However, remember that most first graders do not yet understand the difference between effort and result.

Step 5

Pay attention not only to the assimilation of the program, but also to whether the child is late for school, whether he is distracted during lessons. Punishments and abstract demands to "behave" are often ineffective. Patiently explain to the first grader what he is doing wrong and how to fix it.
