At 6 months, the child begins to control the posture while sitting, gets up in the crib or playpen, holding onto the fence, and crawls. Can manipulate two objects, is able to shift toys from hand to hand, learns to put objects into each other.

It is necessary
Good mood of the baby and the calm, even voice of the mother
Step 1
What educational games can you play with a six month old baby?
We must try to help him consolidate the acquired skills and acquire new ones in a playful way. The baby learns simple games - imitations, imitates adults in his actions. Take a rattle and knock on a simple motive, put the rattle in the hands of a child, let him try it too.
Step 2
The child listens to the speech of adults, developing babbling speaking. At this moment, sit next to him, the child should see your lips, sing or say different syllables, short words: ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba, wa-va, ko-ko, etc.
Step 3
Sing nursery rhymes that mention body parts. Come up with exercises that mention parts of his body - eyes, nose, arms, legs, and name them as you play.
Step 4
Play with your baby the games "White-sided magpie", "Ladushki", "Horned goat", "Birds flew".
Each game can be ended with clapping your hands and joyful: "Hurray!"
Step 5
Play hide and seek with a light handkerchief. Cover the toy and ask: “Where is the bunny?”, “Hurray! Katyusha found a bunny! " Cover your head, ask: “Where is mom?”, “Hurray! Katyusha found her mother!"
Step 6
Show photos of close relatives and say: "This is mom, this is dad, this is brother Roma."
Step 7
Hang pictures of animals, geometric shapes, fruits, vegetables, and more. Consider them.
Step 8
At 6 months, the child can independently engage in a toy.
Sit on the floor with your baby, roll the ball, reciting the poem "My cheerful ringing ball." Let him play with the ball.
Step 9
When leaving the room, wave your hand to the child, while saying: "Bye!"
Step 10
Teach your child to say "Yes" while playing elephant. Show the elephant toy, and depict how the elephant shakes its head up and down, up and down. At the same time, ask the question: "What does the elephant say?", And answer yourself: "The elephant says" YES "- up and down," YES "- up and down.
Step 11
Cross your legs and place your baby on your ankle. Take his hands or support him by the elbows. Swing your leg, tell the nursery rhyme. During lessons with a 6 months old child, sing more songs to him, recite poetry.