It is pleasant to listen to a literate speech, and when a child speaks beautifully and expressively, it is doubly pleasant. The ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts is a big plus and a guarantee of future success. Therefore, it is so important that parents teach their baby to speak beautifully.

Step 1
The best teacher is a personal example. Try to speak clearly and competently, get rid of ugly expressions and "words - parasites." Insults, and even more profanity, are taboo, because the child copies not only the behavior, but also the speech of the parents.
Step 2
Communicate with your child. Let him tell you in detail about his day. Listen carefully to your baby's words. Correct it tactfully, explain the meaning of words, suggest the correct pronunciation and stress.
Step 3
Purchase a special manual for teaching children to speak correctly and beautifully. Classes on these techniques will help the child consolidate reading skills, as well as expand vocabulary and develop coherent speech. The main thing is that such lessons should bring joy and be conducted in the form of a game.
Step 4
Read as much as you can. Children's reading should be varied: fairy tales, stories, short stories, children's encyclopedias. This expands the child's vocabulary and makes speech more vivid and expressive. Practice reading aloud, do it clearly and with expression, so that the baby remembers the correct intonation and pronunciation.
Step 5
Learn poetry and tongue twisters by heart. Poems train memory and improve diction, and tongue twisters will help your child learn to speak clearly and beautifully.
Step 6
Praise the kid even for small successes: "You told the poem very well today", "How expressively you read the tale, you have a great intonation!" Such words are an incentive for new achievements, they will give the child confidence in his abilities.
Step 7
Have your child participate in matinees and holiday performances. During home rehearsals, explain to your child that if he is too quiet, indistinct, or, on the contrary, speaks quickly, then the audience will understand little and will remain unhappy with the performance. Over time, the child will become accustomed to speaking in public, and his speech will become clear and clear.