Children must develop comprehensively. In this they are helped by various educational games, including puzzles. This exciting puzzle attracts children with its bright picture and the ability to win a small victory with each correctly chosen piece.

The benefits of puzzles
A child engaged in some process learns. He learns something new, his world is replenished with new details that a growing personality is simply necessary. Carried away by collecting pictures, the child, firstly, learns perseverance and patience. For young children, these two concepts, previously unfamiliar, gradually fit into the head. Secondly, by putting together a puzzle, the child is focused on the result. He becomes interested to see what picture will turn out at the end. The "smell" of victory prompts him to see it through to the end. Thus, concentration of attention is trained. With constant practice, observation is also developed. At first, the baby substitutes various pieces without thinking, but with practice he begins to understand how to put which pieces where, or, for example, he will learn to match parts of the picture by color or size, combining them into a single whole.
In addition, this simple invention develops logical thinking and imagination. Indeed, in order to assemble the necessary picture, the child needs to imagine it in his mind, choose the appropriate one among the pieces, turn it over correctly, insert it. Just imagine what processes take place in the brain of a small child! In addition, the baby must constantly analyze his actions and make decisions.
Which part, for example, to start with and how to end. An algorithm of actions is constantly being built in his head. He must learn to keep the picture in memory integral and examine its fragments in scattered details.
Fine motor skills also develop. The picture is cut into small parts that the young researcher has to work with. To insert a picture correctly seems to be a difficult task for a child. But gradually accuracy will come to his hands, the child will approach this activity meaningfully and immediately take the part correctly.
Why some kids don't like puzzle solving
Many children, collecting puzzles, do not have much interest in this game. Yes, they learned how to quickly put together pictures, but why does such a seemingly interesting puzzle not attract them?
This happens because the child is not yet mentally ready for this type of activity. After all, all people develop in their own way. Some already in two years easily collect simple puzzles. Others, and at four do not see the need for this. But this does not mean that some of them are smarter or more stupid. It's all about human development. A child can learn to assemble a simple picture, but he will not be carried away by the assembly process itself, because his development does not yet allow him to understand how to add a picture using logic or analysis. These concepts must first appear in it. And only then, with the help of puzzles, they need to be developed. Only interest can give impetus to development. It is impossible to force a child to engage in the same activity for hours. It is important to wait for the time when the child himself is carried away by the very process of collecting the picture.
There is another reason that the child does not like or know how to collect puzzles. Picture! The picture itself, which needs to be assembled, should attract the child. Little ones need to choose a simpler drawing, and not force them to compose, for example, a car. If a child is not interested in what he is doing, very soon he will stop doing it altogether. The hunt will be lost for a long time. And all because of the wrong puzzles.
The parents' task is to captivate their baby with this wonderful game. And the help and praise of mom and dad will give the child an incentive to be the best.