Exciting puzzles develop logic and thinking. You can learn to solve and make puzzles if you follow the rules. The main thing is to correctly determine the purpose of pictures, numbers and letters.

A rebus is a riddle, only instead of a phrase there are illustrations, symbols, numbers and other signs. Rebus was born in ancient times, when people communicated using pictures and hieroglyphs. Over time, the French used puzzles as humorous performances. The puzzles did not disappear, but were revived by a collection of puzzles from the poet Etienne Taburo. The popularity of the publication was gaining momentum all over the world. You need to use the rules to understand how to solve puzzles.
Types of puzzles
Logic puzzles are divided into categories:
- Puzzles with illustrations. The mystery lies in the pictures and the sequence of its decoding. Pronounced in the nominative case.
- Rebus with pictures and commas. The punctuation mark can be regular or inverted. The comma means that you need to remove the specified number of letters from the image.
- Rebus with letters in the picture. Prepositions of the Russian language participate in such riddles.
- Puzzles with pictures and numbers. The numbers tell about the number and order you need to take the letters in the image.
- Mathematical. Using arithmetic notations.
- Musical. Musical notes appear here.
General decision rules
To master the practice and masterfully guess the puzzles, you need to master the theory, adhering to the necessary techniques and rules.
1. If several identical objects are depicted, then they are read in the plural.
2. When the comma is located in the upper left part of the picture, then the first letter is deleted, and if it is in the lower right part, then the last letter must be crossed out. The number of commas tells how many letters should be removed.
3. If the shown object has a crossed out letter, then it must be removed from the word.
4. If the object has an equal sign between the letters, then it is necessary to replace the letter to the left of the sign.
5. Letters or objects located one after another or inside, or their other arrangement - the preposition "for" or "in" is added.
6. In the case when the pictures are turned upside down, then they must be read from the end.
7. The plus and minus signs are between the pictures, which means that you need to add or subtract the images.
8. If a letter is sitting or running, then the verb corresponding to the action is added to it.
9. The item in the picture may mean a different name.
How to read puzzles
Logically, the task is given in encrypted form, where one word can hide behind several phrases or symbols:
- small details require special supervision;
- the arrangement of signs and letters is carefully studied;
- the puzzle begins to be read from left to right or from top to bottom;
- the arrow indicates the direction in which you need to solve the rebus;
- the fraction is read as a preposition "on", and if the number 2 is in place of the denominator, then this stands for "gender" - half.
Math riddles
This puzzle teaches kids to be creative. Children quickly learn to solve equations.
The essence of this rebus is to calculate equality using numbers and signs. At the same time, some of the signs are missing, and in their place are asterisks or gaps, denoting any number from 0 to 9. If a gap asterisk is present at the beginning of the rebus, then the number 0 cannot be there. The same image has the same numbers. If the number is single-digit, then it is indicated by one figure or letter.
When solving such puzzles, one must remember all the mathematical rules and the sequence of actions. But not all riddles are solved by a mathematical method, you need logical thinking.
Also, numbers are replaced with letters. The number of those and those is equal. This type of rebus is difficult.
Numbers, commas and other signs
If the comma is on top of the image, then the rebus is read from top to bottom and the initial letter is removed. Sometimes there are several commas, then the letters are removed in the same number. The commas can be between several pictures.
A strikethrough equals sign means "NOT".
The crossed out number under the picture or letters means the letter in the word that needs to be crossed out and removed.
The numbers above the letters can indicate which letters need to be removed.
Double arrow - letters can be swapped. An arrow pointing to the left indicates that the guessed word must be read backwards. And also the arrow means "to". The object or letter indicated before the arrow is placed next to the next word.
The "+" sign means: you need to add one symbol or picture to other objects.
A checkmark with a letter above the puzzle indicates that this letter should be embedded in the word.
Letter puzzle
Whole proverbs and phrases can be made up of letter shapes. For example, from small letters, one big one consists and is read as "from".
If another letter is located inside the shape of the letter, then it is read as "on", on top or everywhere.
The letters leaned against each other - means "y".
The letter "k" denotes the attachment of letters.
Several identical letters can indicate the addition of a numeral in front of them, for example, seven-I.
Music rebuses
This puzzle can be solved correctly by a child who knows musical notes. But even if the kid does not know musical notation, it will help to learn the topic. You can make up not only one word, but also a whole sentence.
What matters here is which line the note is on.