Sooner or later, every young mother is faced with the fact that night feeding of her baby ceases to give her pleasure. Therefore, it is useful for women to know a few simple techniques for weaning a baby from night feedings, which are suitable for both breastfed babies and artificial people.

Step 1
Breastfed babies may ask to eat at night for a very long time. Artificial people, as a rule, wean themselves from night feedings very quickly and often do not bother their mothers from 3 months.
Step 2
To wean your baby from night feeds, try to increase the number of feeds throughout the day. During the day, the baby should consume the same amount of milk that he previously consumed in a day. Feed your baby as much as possible before bed.
Step 3
Often times, the baby craves food at night because he lacks maternal attention during the day. It happens that a mother, doing household chores, for some time forgets about her baby. If this happens systematically, the child begins to wake up at night and demand a breast or a bottle of formula. With this, he gets the attention of his mother, which he lacked during the day. The same can happen when a mother is often separated from her child, for example, if she went to work early, leaving the baby with a nanny or grandmother. In this case, the child also often eats a lot at night.
Step 4
When your child goes to bed too early, try waking and feeding him before going to bed on his own. After that, your baby will sleep harder, longer and more calmly, and you will ensure yourself a longer rest. This method does not always help, but as a last resort, you will need to get up at night by 1-2 times less.
Step 5
For a one year old, try putting him to bed in a separate room. In this case, the baby's attention will be directed to learning a new environment, and he will quickly forget about food. It is very good if the older brother or sister will sleep in the room where you put the child.
Step 6
It is necessary to wean the child from night feedings gradually. You can give him some water instead of mixture or breast.