Some young children, waking up at night, cause a lot of trouble for their parents. Indeed, sometimes babies wake up at night more than once or twice, and they fall asleep badly after such awakening. But what to do? Is there a way you can stop your child from waking up at night?

Step 1
Experienced mothers and psychologists advise, if the baby wakes up very often at night, change his game mode. So, during the day it is worth playing more active and active games so that the baby is tired. In the evening (an hour before bedtime), only calm and quiet games are permissible. In addition, you cannot play with the baby at night when he wakes up.

Step 2
It also helps prevent nighttime awakenings and a certain ritual of putting the baby to bed. For starters, you can make a herbal soothing bath for your baby (be careful with allergies and the selection of herbs). Next, you should give your baby a soothing massage. Also, many experienced mothers advise wrapping the child's legs before going to bed. However, keep in mind that the ritual will bear fruit if the child always goes to bed only at the same time. He should also have a clear daily routine.
Step 3
Very often, small children wake up at night because they are hungry, or during teething. In the first case, it is recommended to feed the baby tightly at night. In the second, cooling gels will help, as well as some special children's preparations that you can choose for your baby, after consulting a pediatrician.