If your child has an irresistible desire to learn to play musical instruments, and he already has preferences, it's time to send him to a music school. And if the choice in favor of one or another musical instrument has not yet been made, in this case, the parents will have to smash their heads.

Tool selection options
Option one, the choice of a teacher and educational institution. If your child likes the music teacher and school, the lessons will be successful. Now it's up to the teacher, he must determine whether your child has the ability, and what kind of class schedule he needs. Sometimes additional, individual lessons at home, self-study are required. To do this, you will need to purchase a musical instrument for permanent use.
The desires of the child, of course, play a significant role, but sometimes it happens that they may not correspond to the possibilities. Some musical instruments need a suitable age, such as playing the guitar; for others, good physical development - button accordion, accordion. The violin implies other physical inclinations: thin straight fingers. And therefore, if a musical instrument, in your opinion or the opinion of the teacher, does not suit your child, you need to correctly present this information to the child and offer to choose another one.
It is good if you can clearly show your child how this or that instrument looks and sounds. This can be done easily over the Internet. Then both you and your child will be able to appreciate the benefits of all options and make a choice.
Pros and cons of musical instruments
If the choice fell on a piano, the disadvantage of such an instrument is its bulkiness, and if you have a small apartment, it will be difficult to place it. Of the advantages - the development of hearing in children.
Violin. In addition to having thin straight fingers, the child should have developed hearing, since when playing, the tones change from pressure or slipping of the fingers. On the positive side, the instrument is easy to store and transport, playing it develops virtuosity and personality.
The drums are a good tool for developing the beat. The downside is that, as a rule, this is a cumbersome installation, playing on it is very noisy and it becomes difficult to rehearse in an apartment.
Playing wind instruments such as trumpet or trombone requires well-developed lungs and good facial expressions. No cons were identified.
Such folk instruments as button accordion and accordion are large and weigh a lot. From the pros - the development of muscles and hearing. On the downside, your child will most likely find such tools outdated and will not want to go to lessons.
In order to make the final choice, you should take into account a couple more factors. The cost of education should be within your pocket, since its duration on different instruments ranges from 5 to 10 years. And most importantly, if your child is comfortable with the instrument, it means that you have made the right choice.