The choice of a pot for your child must be treated with special responsibility. Some parents believe that the potty is not a stroller or a cot, so it is not necessary to pay due attention to its selection. But in fact, the wrong potty can be an obstacle to toilet training.

Now in stores you can find a huge variety of good pots for babies. However, parents often have a choice between a musical and a simple model. Some mothers think for a long time which one is better to buy.
Music pot
Musical pots are different. From the simplest to the most sophisticated. An unremarkable pot can make different sounds when planting. In most cases, the parents are more happy with the music pot than their child. Children accept it as a new toy and nothing more.
On rare occasions, music will serve to potty train the child.
You probably know that a child's interest in new things is not so long-lasting. Therefore, some mothers, after purchasing a musical pot, were not delighted with the result of this item and the funds spent on it. If you did manage to get your child used to the music pot, in the future this may cause problems such as refusing to use the toilet.
Psychologists advise that you should not entertain a child on a potty. The child must understand for what purpose you are planting him on the pot. In other words, the child can develop a reflex: as soon as he hears a certain music, he realizes that he has to go to the toilet.
The absence of this music prevents the child from using the toilet later.
Regular pot
The most optimal option to this day is an ordinary pot. It is simply arranged, does not take up much space in the apartment, and also does not hit your budget. The child will see and know its direct purpose, and not an entertaining game. Also, the pot takes into account the anatomical features of your child's body. When buying a pot, pay attention to the age indicated on the packaging and the protrusions on the pot.
A small back is encouraged, although not all pots have one. The backrest will help not to distort the baby's posture when sitting on the potty. Pay attention to the footrests. This will also go to the pros. The pot must be made of plastic. It is advisable to take the child with you to the store and put him on the desired pot. If the child is comfortable in it and he likes the color, you can safely carry it to the checkout and pay. Remember that special pots exist for both girls and boys. When buying, be sure to consult with a sales consultant. No need to buy fakes and Chinese pots.