Learning to play a musical instrument gives a child many advantages: hearing development; the development of fine motor skills of the fingers (which, in turn, affects the development of the right, i.e., the creative hemisphere of the brain); the formation of musical taste; ability to withstand additional loads.
It is easy for parents to understand all of the above, but how to explain this to a child who, over time, loses interest in learning, is capricious during classes and tries in every possible way to avoid them?

- 1) patience;
- 2) attention to detail;
- 3) time.
Step 1
Talk to your child or watch him: what cartoons / films he watches, what songs he likes. Write down all the titles, then try to find sheet music of these works in stores or on the Internet.
It will be much more interesting for him to perform these melodies than some "boring scales" and works of the academic program established by the teacher in the framework of his preferences.
Step 2
You should not skimp on criticism, just as you should not forget about the fragility of the child's psyche. Telling a child about the low level of his performance, you walk through a minefield, where every careless word reinforces hatred of a musical instrument, and every undeserved praise can lead to total intolerance to criticism in the future.
Be as courteous as possible, and it is better to say a hundred times: "Let's play from the beginning again, only now we need to put the middle finger on this key, not the index finger, okay?" - than to say once: "You play badly."
Step 3
The key to success in training is the regularity of classes. If the time allows you to study in the morning (school is close to home), divide the hour of the child's daily work as follows:
- in the morning - 15 minutes;
- after school - 30 minutes;
- half an hour before bedtime - 15 minutes.
Thus, you will relieve him of boredom during classes, fatigue and pain in the wrists, and also relieve him of the feeling that he has been sitting with the instrument for ages.
An hour a day is the optimal load if the child does not want to study more and, moreover, devote his whole life to music. Additional education should not be higher than the main one, but strength should remain on the main one.