Nowadays it is very difficult to get a place for a child in a preschool institution. It is necessary to get in line for a place in kindergarten immediately after the birth of the child and registration of the fact of birth in the registry office. This is due to an increase in the birth rate, with the closure of some departmental kindergartens and with the fact that mothers are forced to go to work early due to the crisis. Some categories of citizens have the right to register their child in a preschool institution without waiting in line or in the first place.

It is necessary
- -passport
- -birth certificate
- -a document confirming your attitude towards beneficiaries
- -statement
- - additional documents may be required
Step 1
To get a place in a kindergarten without waiting in line, or first of all, you must apply to the district administration, to the preschool education department and have documented benefits, as well as a list of necessary documents.
Step 2
If your family belongs to the category of large families, you have the right to receive a ticket to kindergarten without waiting in line. It will be issued to you immediately after the allocation of places in the preschool institution. You need documentary evidence of your large family.
Step 3
Children with disabilities or parents who are disabled are also given a place in kindergarten out of turn. You must write a statement about the desire to get a place in a preschool institution and attach a document stating that you or your child are disabled.
Step 4
As a guardian or foster parent, as well as an orphan who has adopted an orphan child, your children also have the right to extraordinary admission to kindergarten. Attach proof that you are the guardian, orphan, or foster parent of these children.
Step 5
If you have visited the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and, eliminating the accident, received radiation or suffer from radiation sickness, then you have the right to get a ticket to a kindergarten out of turn. To do this, you need to confirm that you were a participant in the elimination of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Step 6
Prosecutors, investigators, police officers, judges, military personnel, participants in hostilities, employees of the control bodies for narcotic and psychotropic substances and preparations based on them have the right to receive a ticket for their children to kindergarten in the first place.
Step 7
In addition to the application and documents, according to which you can be provided with a preschool voucher, you must attach a passport with a registration stamp, a child's birth certificate with a registration stamp in the area. An additional set of documents may also be required.