For most women, the departure of a husband from the family is a real tragedy. Mental pain arises, resentment appears, from which it will not be possible to get rid of it soon. Everyday problems immediately begin - you have to think about how to do the house alone, how to raise children, how to make money. At the same time, one has to look for answers, how to survive the departure of a husband from the family, how to cope with emotional stress, betrayal of a loved one and a broken heart. The questions “what did I do wrong?”, “How did I provoke the disintegration of the family?”, “How to return a loved one if he is already with another?” Are constantly spinning in my head. Let's see if it was the woman's fault that her husband chose to leave the family, how you can return him and whether it needs to be done.

Leaving a man from the family: common reasons
Not in all cases a man's departure from the family is provoked by the presence of a woman on the side. Sometimes it is just a pretext, and the reason goes deeper. There are situations when a man leaves without a mistress, he is simply tired of his wife.
According to psychologists, the husband does not leave the family suddenly - if he left, then there were too many problems in the relationship. Wives can provoke such a step on the part of a man without realizing it.
Of course, not in all cases, his departure means that you are a bad wife or mistress. Even the most beautiful and economic woman is not immune from this. The reasons may lie elsewhere.
1. The most offensive reason, because of which it is very difficult to return a husband to the family.
2. This is a very serious reason for leaving. Different views on life, on relationships, on raising children reduce family well-being to nothing.
3. When children appear, romance and sex fade into the background. There are more everyday and financial problems for which selfish or infantile men are not ready.
4. Even the most patient husband can get away from his constantly sawing wife. In such a situation, one does not even need to wonder why men leave the family for their mistress - the answer is already obvious.
5. If a woman does not know how to cook, clean, take care of herself, her husband and children, then you should not be surprised when the husband collects things and slams the door. He can continue to love his spouse, but her shortcomings outweigh the merits, the feelings gradually fade away. The appearance on the horizon of a caring, well-groomed and economic woman who creates an atmosphere of comfort around herself can accelerate the care.
6. Sex. If you do not give your husband the opportunity to satisfy his natural needs for no particular reason, it is logical that he will look for a way out of sexual energy on the side and sooner or later leave the family for his mistress.
7. In some families, an unhealthy situation develops when the spouses are so principled and stubborn that they do not want to give in to each other even in small things. Such a marriage has no future - sooner or later one of the spouses will leave, most often men do it.
8. From the point of view of psychology, such a person feels better when he is alone. For this reason, he is constantly looking for a reason to break up - even after the wedding.
Whatever it was, but most of the departed husbands come back. How to behave if you have made the decision to forgive your husband?
How to get your husband to return to the family
1. Behave with dignity, do not pursue the departed, do not roll up scenes and do not make scandals - such actions on your part will only alienate your partner.
2. Try to stay in a good relationship, perhaps over time you will become close again, and the husband will understand how much he has lost.
3. Work on yourself every day: tidy yourself up, lose some weight (or just tone your body), dye your hair to appear in a new way, sign up for a cooking class if you don't know how to cook. Stop being a woman saw if that was your problem or being too principled. Let your husband, seeing you, think that he has made a mistake.
Is it necessary to return the man who left?
When your spouse realizes that your breakup was a mistake, he himself will try to return. But before that, think about whether you need this return, especially if a man's betrayal was due to his weak character, a desire to have fun on the side and a frivolous attitude towards marriage. A woman always has a chance to find a worthy chosen one, who may have been prepared by fate.