Why You Can't Call Children By The Names Of Deceased Relatives

Why You Can't Call Children By The Names Of Deceased Relatives
Why You Can't Call Children By The Names Of Deceased Relatives

Many social and natural factors influence the fate of a person. The name given to a child at birth also plays an important role. It is believed that you cannot call your children by the names of deceased relatives. It is worth understanding this in more detail.

It is not recommended to name your child by the name of a deceased relative
It is not recommended to name your child by the name of a deceased relative

What's in a name?

It is believed that a name correctly chosen for your child can balance his harmony, compensate for possible weaknesses in his character and enhance his natural flair. However, doubts about all this arise at the moment when the names of deceased relatives are assigned to children.

Why are children called such names?

Traditionally. It should be noted that the tradition of naming children after deceased grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, in principle, is ancient and respected. Curiously, she is still alive in many folk cultures. In addition, in some families, “dead” names are repeated after one or two generations.

If a child has died in the family, then in no case should you call him by the name of another child who has given birth! Do not expose an innocent creature to the risk of adopting the unhappy fate of your brother or sister.

Why is it not recommended to name the child by the name of the deceased?

Since ancient times, it was believed that it is not a person who influences his name, but quite the opposite. The ancients endowed the names with some magical properties. They argued that behind any name is his karma - positive or negative.

Legends say that the names of deceased people also become "dead", but not in the literal sense of the word. The fact is that such a name is a priori charged by its own fate of its deceased owner, certain traits of his character and, of course, a powerful energetic influence on the future carrier.

The fact is that a child named after a deceased relative begins to grow and form in the appropriate energetic atmosphere. On an unconscious level, he absorbs all the information that was once inherent in this name, gradually acquiring some resemblance to his "prototype".

Often, grown-up children adopt the unhappy fate of their name - they often get sick, their personal life does not go well, mistress luck turns away from them. And changing their unlucky name will hardly help them.

Of course, this does not mean at all that all “dead” names are a negative charge of energy, but there are unlucky ones among them. In no case is it recommended to call your child that name! Otherwise, he risks repeating the unhappy fate of his "prototype".

How to find out the fate of the name of a deceased relative?

As a rule, everything here is decided by human intuition and elementary logic. Probably, hardly anyone wants to assign to their child the name of a person who tragically died in early youth or died in great pain from a serious illness.

In Russia, many people name their children after deceased relatives, without even thinking about it. Why do they do it - only God knows. Why these people do not think about the possible consequences of their actions is also not clear.

The same can be said about unclean relatives. If such a person committed certain crimes in life, died in prison, or, in principle, did not leave any good memory of himself, then his children should not be called by his name either.
