The famous phrase "girls stand, stand aside" is not applicable to modern discos and dance evenings. It has long been considered something shameful for a girl herself to invite a guy to dance. Moreover, in every self-respecting nightclub and even at a school disco, a DJ will announce a "white dance" at least once a night when ladies invite gentlemen. And yet, not everyone dares to take the first step and tell the young man "let's dance." And in vain, because, most likely, he will say "yes".

Step 1
The easiest and surest way is to act directly. That is, go up to the guy and just invite him to go dance. But to be sure to get consent, proceed with caution. It is best if the young man at this time is not in the company of friends: in this case, he will most likely be shy and refuse. Or maybe he doesn't want to interrupt the male conversation. Also, take your time with the invitation if the guy is clearly heading somewhere from the audience: perhaps he is in a hurry to go to the toilet and he is not up to the dance right now. But if your chosen one is standing or sitting alone and looking at the dancing couples, feel free to go to him. Smile and look the guy right in the eyes and say, "Let's go dance?"
Step 2
If you have time to spare, start from afar. Sit next to the guy you want to ask to dance and start a conversation about a party, mutual acquaintances. Chat naturally, and when slow music starts to sound, as if recollecting yourself, exclaim: "This is my favorite! Let's go dance!" if a young man starts to resist, saying that he does not know how or does not love, assure him that you are not expecting a master class, you just want to move to a beautiful melody. And since you are sitting next to me anyway, why not dance?
Step 3
If you are not sure if the guy will say yes, use a little trick. Approach him when he is alone, or withdraw from the company under the pretext that you need to say something important. And then let him know that your friend took you "weakly", saying that you will never invite someone like him. Men love flattery, for sure he will not ignore this compliment. Next, let the guy know that only he can help you out now. As a final argument, you can helplessly pat your eyelashes and say, "please." It is unlikely that he will dare to refuse.