Schoolchildren get used to tests: dictation, control and practical work, tests, surveys and homework assessment. In addition, many children invent various original cheat sheets for teachers who do not notice the child's cunning. Therefore, teachers need to additionally periodically check the quality of the child's knowledge.

Step 1
The teacher needs to observe the students, write in his diary about the child's interests or academic statements on his part, and mark the gaps in one area or another.
Step 2
Tests individually compiled by the teacher himself in their subject with multiple answers and requiring a free expression of thoughts will reveal the level of knowledge of each child. At the same time, there is no need to compose 20 questions for each student, 3 are enough, the answer to which takes 7-15 minutes in time.
Step 3
A kind of 10-minute polls on the material covered will set up students to repeat the subject. In addition, the teacher can reward the children who have distinguished themselves with a five, and the guilty ones can improve according to the program.
Step 4
You can check knowledge in a playful way: brainstorming, dramatization, court session, presentation of the material covered in a visual creative form (essay, story, book, crossword puzzle, applique, fake). At the same time, collective discussion allows you to assimilate the educational material better.
Step 5
Starting from the 8th grade, it is necessary to teach children to adequately evaluate each other's answers, to create creative "tricky" questions about the material. Such tasks develop mental operations in children (generalization, analysis, comparison, synthesis …) and skills in working with information.
Step 6
Various extracurricular contests and games that require certain educational knowledge help to consolidate the passed material in a playful way. For example, literary and historical contests, search for a treasure with subject questions, the birthday of the Queen of England, etc.