Deciding to divorce, especially when there are children in the family, will never be easy. But when your marriage has already outlived its usefulness and you realized that you cannot return your former feelings and your husband has become a stranger to you, then there is no need to delay. If you decide to divorce your husband, then try to keep this process civilized, this will allow you to save a lot of energy, nerves and prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

Step 1
Learn to negotiate. Once the divorce decision has been made, start treating your husband like a stranger. You will not scream and swear, throw tantrums and scandal with strangers. Behave with him just like a colleague at work.
Step 2
Make a list of issues that will be resolved in a divorce. If you do not do this together, all issues will be decided by the court and this decision may not suit you or your ex. Write your proposals on the division of property and on the payment of alimony for children, issues related to their further education. Write your own answers to these questions too. Remember if you had any obligations to banks or other cash loans, indicate the options for their repayment. If a part of the jointly acquired property remains in joint use, for example, a country house, then write a schedule for using it, but draw up a schedule only for yourself.
Step 3
Show this list to your husband if he has any objections, discuss them, listen calmly to his arguments and think about whether it is possible to meet him halfway. If his proposal is unacceptable, then jointly seek a compromise.
Step 4
Discuss with him what to tell the children about your divorce, resolve issues when the children will see their father. Agree to never turn children against each other and never speak ill of your ex-spouse in their presence.
Step 5
If you were in a joint business, think about whether you are ready to continue working together, if you still have anger and resentment, then, of course, there will be no sense in such work, it will be better if one of you refuses to continue cooperation, taking my share. Do not act under the influence of anger and hatred, try to be indifferent, composure is the best advisor in this painful process.
Step 6
Do not torment yourself with a sense of guilt, there are always two to blame for a divorce. Remember that life goes on and maybe after a while you will understand that this procedure would not be difficult, but this is the best thing that has happened to you lately.