At all times, there were men who fluttered over women's hearts, like butterflies over spring flowers. Their names have long become a legend: Casanova, Don Juan, Lovelace …

And today, there are a lot of their followers around - heartthrobs or, in common parlance, womanizers who are ready to break your heart and rush away to your next victories. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to calculate a womanizer at the stage of acquaintance, to unravel his intentions and destroy his insidious plans.
We calculate the ladies' man
Each womanizer is exquisitely gallant, generous, sociable, has an extensive arsenal of cute signs of attention that women like so much. And if the external data of Apollo are added to this … The risk of taking his courtship at face value is very great!
His tongue is perfectly suspended, he is not one of those who cannot connect two words. Compliments, sincere interest in you and your affairs distinguish the womanizer from other representatives of the same sex.
He looks in love. Most likely, he really is experiencing temporary love. And this convinces you that the sad fate of abandoned women is not in store for you! But…
If you notice that your heart beats sweetly in the presence of this “ideal” man, it's time to think seriously.
Getting rid of illusions
If you failed to escape from Casanova's spell and you fell for his "hook", it is better to get rid of illusions and understand what is stopping you from ending the relationship, despite the fact that you have repeatedly convicted him of treason.
Lovelaces deliberately maintain a relationship with their "circle of worship." After a long absence, he can call, come in, you will have a magical evening, he will promise that he will come as soon as he "sorts things out" and disappears again … This is what he does with every lady from his "list". So is it worth waiting for your turn for years?
Do you believe that it is you who will be able to change the womanizer? This is a common illusion! The nature of a womanizer is such that he needs adrenaline all the time, which he receives only when he conquers a new object. So it is not in your power to change a womanizer.
You have strong feelings for him. We sympathize and sincerely advise you to get rid of your attachment by sorting out the first and second points of the list of illusions.
Neutralizing the ladies' man
The most effective way to neutralize a womanizer is not to become the object of his attention.
Don't flirt with him! Do you think this is just a game, and you can stop in time? And don't get your hopes up. This dangerous pastime may well turn into an addiction that can be difficult to overcome. Therefore, "we turn on the fool," we answer jokes without a hint of humor, we wipe the smile from our face, we answer in monosyllables. In general, we behave neutral, and the womanizer, not getting the return from his work, will retreat.
Communicate with him like a girlfriend. Rate his qualities not as a "male", but as a friend. Find a common language and interests with him, become "your boyfriend", and he will not use his charm against you.