One of the scariest and most incomprehensible characters for children of all ages is Babayka. They are usually frightened by naughty children who do not want to go to bed on time. Kids, and perhaps some adults, are interested in what Babayka looks like and who he is.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to surprise modern parents and children with their high level of literacy and education, threats with Babai or Babayka are still one of the most effective methods of education.
Babay is a Slavic mythological creature, a creepy night spirit. In Ancient Russia, they believed in its existence, it was often mentioned in folk tales, beliefs, omens. Babay meant a terrible lame and toothless old man. Babayka is a female creature. She looked almost the same as Babai's grandfather. This is a terrible old woman, somewhat similar to the fabulous Baba Yaga, fetid, twisted, with a bulging chin and eyeballs, sagging skin and a toothless mouth.
It seems that the image of Babai appeared in some small village where a lonely evil old man lived the rest of his years. Such people most often settled on the outskirts of the village near the forest, frightening with their appearance and behavior the local children who have a habit of teasing the strange grandfather. Isn't Babay for an uneducated kid?
Currently, parents rarely distinguish between these characters, thinking that Babayka is a derivative, diminutive on behalf of Babay. Therefore, in the children's imagination of what modern Babayka looks like, images of a male are drawn.
The image of Babayka has taken root in many families, because it is not easy to put children to bed, and the fear of the unknown has a very strong effect on the child's psyche. As mom or dad will describe to the child the appearance of Babayka, such an appearance, completed in the darkness of the night, will be represented by the baby.
In addition to the terrible appearance, Babayka is credited with various terrible deeds. He, according to the stories of adults, lures naughty children into the forest and kills there, steals unwilling toddlers from their beds, guard in dark corners of the room, under the bed or on the windowsill.
Children from fairy tales know a lot about different evil characters: Baba Yaga, Kikimora Bolotnaya, Kashchee Immortal, Brownie. They see them in cartoons and on the pages of books. The image of Babayka is difficult to find in a fairy tale or cartoon, and therefore his image may differ in every family.
The way Babayka looks like, draws the inner world of an individual child according to the stories of parents and, based on their own imagination, and therefore it can be quite problematic to accurately describe his appearance.