Pregnancy is a reason to think about what kind of food a woman eats. Indeed, even the most familiar foods can affect the development, health of the child, and also worsen the well-being of the expectant mother. Many pregnant women even prefer to refuse not only coffee, but also tea, believing that it can harm the baby.

After consulting a gynecologist regarding the diet of the expectant mother, her eating habits, pregnant women can be calm. If you have to adjust your menu, then not drastically. Anyway, all types of tea can remain in the diet of a pregnant woman. It is only important to consider how and how much to drink an invigorating drink.
Tea and pregnancy - is it compatible?
Different types of teas contain different amounts of nutrients, but the expectant mother can drink any drink of her choice. Tea is valuable for pregnant women because this product strengthens the enamel of the teeth. White tea has a tonic effect, green tea contains a lot of antioxidants, and black tea contains phosphorus, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, vitamins of group B, C, K.
White tea contains very little caffeine, so it can be drunk even in large quantities. This drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, the elasticity of blood vessels, it also has an antitumor effect.
Herbal teas are also useful during pregnancy, especially the rosehip drink. It will save you from colds, the value of tea lies in its richness in iron. You can take leaves and fruits of currants, raspberries instead of rose hips.
What kind of tea can you drink and how much?
Be careful pregnant women need to be with the strength of the tea. It is better to drink weak and freshly brewed tea, giving preference to a quality leafy drink. It is recommended to take honey or fructose instead of sugar. Drink black and green tea during pregnancy with milk or cream.
The expectant mother can also treat herself to ginger tea. This fragrant drink with lemon and honey will help normalize blood pressure, relieve spasms and dizziness. But it is important to remember that the ginger drink should be drunk in limited quantities - in the early stages, tea can cause bleeding.
Chamomile tea will cheer up and warm the pregnant woman, but it is also necessary to drink it with restrictions - no more than one cup in two days. The drink has a calming effect, chamomile helps to improve digestion. And mint tea perfectly copes with heartburn and toxicosis, you can drink it no more than 4 cups a day.
It is advisable to consult with your doctor to find out what herbal teas in your position you can drink. It is worth buying a drink exclusively at a pharmacy; it is better to give preference to one-component tea than herbal teas. While they are useful too, some plants can cause bleeding.