Modern Methods Of Early Childhood Development

Modern Methods Of Early Childhood Development
Modern Methods Of Early Childhood Development

Every child has enormous intellectual potential from birth. Leading experts in neuropsychology believe that the earlier a child starts teaching, the better he will be given the assimilation of new information at school, university and life in general. According to the majority of psychologists and educators, children aged 3-4 years learn more easily than 7-year-olds, on which various methods of early childhood development are based.

Modern methods of early childhood development
Modern methods of early childhood development

Gifted are not born, they become

According to many modern educators, most children will better use the potential given to them by nature if they begin learning during the growth of the human brain, that is, in early childhood. To this end, many well-known teachers have developed their own, unique methods for the early development of children. Many of these techniques have a solid scientific basis, and they are successfully applied in practice in various countries. At the same time, each of the methods has both supporters and opponents and is criticized. Parents who are thinking about the early development of their child have to choose the method that suits them. It is important to remember that each child needs an individual approach. It may be best for your child to use some of the best practices in each technique.

A brief overview of the most popular early childhood development methods

1. Glen Doman's methodology is based on the development of the baby's visual and physical abilities from birth. For this, Doman proposes to use a system of physical exercises and outdoor games. Brain stimulation is achieved by showing children cards with words and pictures. The kids, with whom they study according to the Doman's method, learn the material better and in many ways overtake not only their peers, but also older children in development.

Glen Doman believes that the most effective age for learning is under 7, while the brain is growing.

2. The technique of Maria Montessori is one of the most common. It pays great attention to the development of fine motor skills in babies. At the same time, it is based on the individual interests and abilities of the child. During free classes, the child chooses himself what he will do, and the teacher's task is to help him cope with the task. Also, this technique takes into account the periods of a child's development from birth to 6 years old, when he learns certain things more easily and naturally. The main task of adults, according to Maria Montessori, is to teach a child to concentrate on work that is interesting for them.

The Montessori methodology is not only early intellectual development, but also the development of work skills and fostering respect for others.

3. Nikolay Zaitsev's technique is known for various didactic materials, in particular for a set of blocks for teaching reading. Zaitsev's manuals are based on the natural need of any child to play, therefore, learning using this technique assumes a relaxed atmosphere, excitement and a child's enthusiasm for the game. Thus, children learn to read, parse words into separate syllables, count, make sentences and write.
