Recently, more and more often you can hear that music and intelligence are closely related. Scientists continue research on this topic, but for now there is an opinion that playing music at an early age has a beneficial effect on the development of children.

Each part of the human brain is responsible for a specific type of activity. The part that will subsequently coordinate the formation and perception of speech develops at the beginning of the last trimester of pregnancy. Already at this time, the child perceives music, and it has a positive effect on the processes taking place in the brain. The child already hears the sounds that surround him. Therefore, future musicality is programmed at the hereditary level, which is confirmed by practice: in the families of musicians, the corresponding abilities appear in children much more often.
But the brain develops most intensively in the first years of life. It is because of this that it is advisable to start music lessons with children at a very early age. We are not talking about sending the kid to a music school at the same time as he begins to walk, but it is quite possible to introduce him to the various sounds of musical instruments already at this stage.
If the child takes music seriously, then he will develop hearing, which contributes to an expanded perception of complex sounds. A similar skill is acquired forever, since the ear for music is laid precisely in childhood and is preserved for life.
Simultaneously with the development of hearing, music lessons for children improve their learning ability. This is due to the development of perseverance and improved perception of incoming information. During the school period, this will help you learn better and achieve success. This is explained by the fact that many problems of learning at school age are associated with insufficient development of connections between the hemispheres of the brain, so when learning to count and write, only the left hemisphere is activated, and active work of the right is necessary for creative activity. Music contributes to the formation of these connections in the best possible way.