How To Start An Early Childhood Development School

How To Start An Early Childhood Development School
How To Start An Early Childhood Development School

The opening of schools of early development is a fairly common phenomenon in our time. And this is understandable, in municipal kindergartens, classes with children are held to a minimum, there is no time at home to work with the baby, so caring mothers and fathers resort to the services of such schools.

Early development school
Early development school

It should be noted that the organization of an early development school is a rather troublesome, costly and time-consuming business. After all, you need to collect a lot of documentation, find a room, find teachers, place advertisements, recruit kids. Of course, it is much easier to open such a school than, for example, a private kindergarten. You don't need sleep equipment, medical care, catering, etc. You should not be afraid, the main thing is to start.

When opening an early development school, first of all, it is necessary to obtain a license for the right to engage in educational activities. This is mandatory if your institution's name includes the words "learning" or "development". A license will also be required if you plan to work according to any training methodology. Upon receipt of this document, you will have to face a number of requirements for the premises, the teaching staff. If the teacher organizes an early childhood development school alone, then a license is not required. But at the same time, he must take shape as an individual entrepreneur, and he must have a completed higher education.

When you register, you should decide on the tax system. In the first year, when the costs are very high (purchase of equipment, rent or purchase of premises), it is advisable to use the "simplified form". In this case, choose a system in which the taxable base is calculated based on the difference "income minus expenses". This difference is subject to a 15% tax rate. If the rent continues to be included in the cost of expenses, then such a system can be left for the next periods. If rent and other expenses are unofficial, then it is better to switch to paying tax at a rate of 6% of the amount of income received. And it is best to order accounting restoration services in order to avoid annoying mistakes.

Once you register your business, you can start decorating the premises. It should, of course, be aimed at children. At the same time, do not forget about your parents, because they will be the first to assess your business. The premises should be spacious, bright, clean, with high-quality renovation, beautiful design. Parents are unlikely to like a room with an area of 20-40 square meters, tastelessly finished. Take the trouble so that when parents visit your school, they want to bring their baby a second time.

After the premises are ready, you will have to purchase equipment. You shouldn't buy everything. The highest quality, safest and most attractive toys for children are wooden toys. Buy the required number of tables, chairs, lockers for babies and parents, and benches for dressing. You should also divide the room into play areas, they should be done in the same style. Avoid buying cheap, low-quality toys. After just a few sessions, they lose their properties.
