Early School Age: A Painless Start To Learning

Early School Age: A Painless Start To Learning
Early School Age: A Painless Start To Learning

From about 7 years old, children begin a new stage in their life, the main event of which is the beginning of schooling. It will last approximately 4 years to 11 years. Psychologists call this period "primary school age." Parents need to provide all possible support to their child, especially in the first year of school.

Early school age: a painless start to learning
Early school age: a painless start to learning

Main characteristics

At the beginning of learning, the child experiences strong feelings and excitement. First, he finds himself in a new environment with his own rules and requirements. Secondly, the learning process begins. Thirdly, he has a new social circle, new connections are being established. The younger student may experience inner feelings and excitement. Although outwardly, it may seem that he is doing well.

The beginning of training is stressful for him. Psychologists argue that the beginning of education is a crisis period in a child's life and is a transition from a carefree period (childhood) to the period of early adulthood (school).

Teaching is the leading activity in this period. The child is aware of himself as a student. The teacher is absolute authority for him.

The child develops self-discipline, learns logical thinking. Attention develops. Without these qualities, schooling would be difficult.

Play - takes an important place in educational activities.

Children of this age have good mechanical memory.

Children get very tired at school. Fatigue is not about getting information, but about communicating. Moreover, fatigue in boys is 8-10 times higher than in girls. Therefore, it is advisable for boys to work alone, and girls in a team.

Culture plays an important role in child development because it compensates for children's emotional deficiencies by engaging them in a social environment other than school.

A painless start to learning: tips for parents of first graders

  1. Love your child.
  2. Take it with all its advantages and disadvantages. Your child is unique and not repeatable, do not compare him with other children.
  3. Praise any accomplishments by helping him believe in himself. Always believe in your child's strength.
  4. Don't criticize.
  5. Strive to understand the inner world of your baby (talk to him more often, be interested in his successes, find out what worries or worries him).
  6. Do not try to realize your dreams in a child, he is not you, he is a person with his dreams and desires.
  7. A parent's personal example is the best upbringing.
  8. Create a calm environment at home (the child should be comfortable).
  9. Provide a place for your little one to do their homework.
  10. Remember: it is your responsibility to raise your baby.

In addition, each parent should worry about proper nutrition for their child, adherence to the daily regimen, it is necessary to alternate training with rest so that the baby can recover his strength. A child should not play games on a computer, phone, tablet for a long time. During games, he loses a lot of his psychic strength. Adults should organize activities for the kid. You can send him to engage in a sports section or a creative circle. The best rest is a change of activity.

Thus, primary school age is a special period in a child's life, this is the beginning of learning and growing up. Thanks to the patience, attention, love and care of the parents, the child will painlessly go through this stage of his life and embark on a new one.
