How To Help A First Grader Adapt To School

How To Help A First Grader Adapt To School
How To Help A First Grader Adapt To School

The beginning of schooling is a rather difficult period in a child's life: a busy school day is very different from what he is used to in kindergarten, the load and requirements increase. At the same time, now the child has less opportunity to move, and after all, movement is necessary for correct development. A healthy, active, sociable child can easily cope with these difficulties, and your task is to help him with this.

How to help a first grader adapt to school
How to help a first grader adapt to school

At least in the first month of schooling, one of the adults should be at home so that the baby does not come to an empty apartment. The first days, until the child gets used to the new role of a student, it is advisable to accompany him to school and meet him, even if it is very close to home: a few minutes of communication with a loved one means a lot for the child. Encourage the child, reassure him if he is worried about something. You can use this time to repeat a given rhyme or rule.

The success of training largely depends on a properly organized workplace of the student: make sure that he has his own desk. Be sure to make sure that its height matches the height of the child, and the light falls on the notebook from the front or left.

Despite the fact that a child now spends a lot of time attending school and completing assignments, he must have walks, and reading his favorite books, and games, and TV. Try to build your baby's routine in such a way that there is time for all this.

Do not be too hard on the newly minted student: many things will not work out, but after all, the school exists to teach! Support the child, do not miss the opportunity to praise him, do not turn into cruel and unyielding judges, remain who you were - loving parents.

Often, the child does not understand the school rules and restrictions: why is it impossible to leave the classroom during the lesson, why should you raise your hand, why not be a few minutes late? Explain to the child the meaning of these requirements, and he will gladly fulfill them.

Be always aware of what is happening at school: talk with the teacher and with the child himself. Control it, but do not turn into a strict auditor, it should be friendly control.

It is not necessary to constantly sit with the child while he is doing his homework, otherwise he will get used to it, and simply will not sit at the table without you. It is also impossible to carry out tasks for the child. But at the same time, you must be ready to always come to the rescue.

Refrain from harsh epithets: they will not help, do not ask for a detailed report on grades - just ask how the school is doing. Do not scold for deuces, otherwise the child will begin to deceive you, it is better to think together with the child how to correct the bad grade.

Your love and patience will surely help your child cope with the difficulties of the first year of school.
